( Finally finished Editing the Day 1 photos! )
Continuing from the prelude: The following day, we woke up at 6am, spamming each other with phone calls to make sure everyone is up, and getting ready for that we won't be late! (but somehow, we were still behind schedule :/)

Headed to Golden Mile complex, which is the starting point of our journey!
Registered ourselves, and the above is the coach that is going to bring us all the way to Malacca! *excited* Did I mentioned who are the main leads in this trip?

Hui xin, Rinn, Me and Ryan!
We were like super excited for this trip, and the day has finally come! It was exactly 8.18am (according to my faithful notebook) when we were on the bus waiting to move off (: At 10.07am, We were at Malaysia! (almost entering Malaysia)

We were like super excited for this trip, and the day has finally come! It was exactly 8.18am (according to my faithful notebook) when we were on the bus waiting to move off (: At 10.07am, We were at Malaysia! (almost entering Malaysia)

Everyone is heading to Malaysia! and most of the people are heading to malacca, I bet they are the little nyonya fanatics lor! So meanwhile, while waiting for our turn to have our passport stamped, Camwhore!

Super excited us! I bought a new camera specially for this trip because my Samsung died on me just days before the trip! What luck! Then the new camera comes with only a 512MB memory card, WHERE GOT ENOUGH?! So as mentioned in the prelude, I braved the crowd at the IT show to get another one (: A 4GB one!

I cannot use my passport after my malacca trip :( They wrote "CHANGE PHOTO" below the stamp! Just because the photo doesn't look like me. Haix, I need to like change my NRIC, My Ez-link and my Passport just because the photo doesn't really look like me :S Well, I do think I changed a lot.

At 11.20am, it was our first stop for some food and toilet break, SERIOUSLY, i hate the toilet there. *traumatized* It was also our chance to start spending the RMs! Exchange rate at that period of time was SGD 1 = RM2.395! I love the exchange rate! The things are like so much cheaper! * ~ Spend like a king*

Here's another group shot of us trying to fit into the screen!
(After several attempts!)

(After several attempts!)

This is our 5th member of this journey! Domokun! Managed to smuggled him up the bus (: Once in awhile, he will appear in the photos throughout the 5 days (:

Finally at... Shit, i didn't record down the time! Nvm, somewhere in the afternoon, we reached Malacca! But Malacca is like as BIG as singapore, although we entered malacca, it takes another hour to reach our hotel! Not to mention the traffic lights THAT TAKES FOREVER to turn GREEN! 99 Seconds! *faints*

We reached our hotel finally! Fenix Inn, I would say it's a perfect choice for tourists who wants the "chalet feel" at an affordable price! It's just a stone throw away from the biggest mall in Malacca! I'm not bluffing, if you get a really nice and heavy stone, and throw it upwards towards the hotel, I really think the stone can reach it!

Check-in time is at 3pm on the day when we reached but 2pm when we left! Not fair lor! Since on the day we arrived was 3pm, we had to wait for the room to be ready, so we decided to have a taste of Malacca food!

We chose the restaurant beside our hotel. Restoran Banya which claims to serve Authentic Peranakan Cuisine. We ordered a few dishes and 4 rice to share (:

There is like chicken, Squid, Veggie and Egg (:
After the fulfilling meal (the meal cost like RM47, which means... 5 bucks per person!), it was 3pm, and it means Check in! Fenix inn is a 3 star hotel, so we weren't expecting much but we were surprised that it was really good!

There is like chicken, Squid, Veggie and Egg (:
After the fulfilling meal (the meal cost like RM47, which means... 5 bucks per person!), it was 3pm, and it means Check in! Fenix inn is a 3 star hotel, so we weren't expecting much but we were surprised that it was really good!

The room assigned to us was A03. Well, the first thing we did was to dump everything down after lugging them for the whole morning and we are off to explore our room! (as if there is a lot to explore :/ ) There is like 2 single size bed, table, TV, attached toilet etc. Typical chalet.

First thing we unloaded was the junk food! If you think mine and Ryan's is a lot, wait till you see the girls! We assign on of our drawers to be the "Fridge of the trip"

Guess who is my room mate? Kinda obvious. Who else can it be... Ryan (:
Now it's the girls room turn!

I seriously think they brought their whole makeup table from home!

Their junk food drawer. Filled to the brim.

I seriously think they brought their whole makeup table from home!

Their junk food drawer. Filled to the brim.

Of course! Another group photo to commemorate our first step into our room!
After about an hour of unpacking and exploring the room, it was time to checkout the nearby shopping mall! Dataran palawan, Malacca's biggest Mall!

After about an hour of unpacking and exploring the room, it was time to checkout the nearby shopping mall! Dataran palawan, Malacca's biggest Mall!

This mall is Soooo big that we only found out a certain area on the last day! The first shop that caught our attention is FOS a.k.a Factory outlet store!

The perfect place for shopping kings and queens.

The perfect place for shopping kings and queens.
Factory outlet store is available in singapore too, and they houses famous brands like GAP, old navy, river island etc at an affordable price! Even cheaper than the main store! So it was like buy buy buy for me!!!
After spending like hours, trying tees after tees,

Our "harvest"

After spending like hours, trying tees after tees,

Our "harvest"

We also went to Daiso! Instead of everything 2 bucks like in singapore, it's RM5 in Malaysia, which after conversion, it's around the same price. Daiso has almost everything you need! And the things are like so freakin' cheap!

After all the shopping, we decided to take a rest outside the huge grass patch outside the mall. Once in awhile, we will still think it's unbelievable that the 4 of us are in Malacca. Away from stress, technology and everything.

Domokun makes its apperance again!

Domokun makes its apperance again!
It was already evening while we were slacking outside. And we were kinda hungry, so we explored around and settled on Station Kopitiam (:

I somehow remembered that I've tried the food before in KL...

So we ordered like a main dish each. The food is so-so only :(

So we ordered like a main dish each. The food is so-so only :(
At 7.30pm, we headed back at our hotel! I know it's kinda early, but we got this thinking that once the sky is dark, the robbers/thief will come out of their dens and start robbing people :/ So to play safe (plus we were quite tired), we headed back to our hotel with a cup of fruits each (: