So few days back, I woke up, opened my eyes and Guess what?

A letter from Nuffnang smack right on my table! I was super excited! Finally there is some moo-lah to tide me over this period of my life! And written infront of the envelope was...



The contents is the Cheque itself and a little note. (The note is not even A4 size, their reason: We have cut down on paper size to save more trees) Okay... The note also says something about getting something special...

If they spot your post about receiving your cheque!

If they spot your post about receiving your cheque!

~lalala... My moolah has arrivedddd! The amount of the cheque has been editted away... Just to let u have an idea of how much it is... It's just enough to fund the accommodation and transport for my malacca trip :D ( or Enough to cash-out a few times too!) Able to guess how much it is?
Everytime I hit 50 bucks, I would like... I will cash out when it hits $100! Then when it hits 100, i will say, "$150 then I will cash out!" and it goes on, UNTIL i realised I needed $$ for my Malacca trip, So ~ *Ka-ching!*

Joining Nuffnang is one of the most exciting things that ever happened in my blogging journey. I remembered it was introduced by one of my classmates, now my BFF (: The thought of earning while blogging was cool, so the next thing I did, I signed up. And soon, I was getting my first advertisement...

I was super excited when I received my very first advertisement. I was thinking how much I can earn, and it turns out to be $1.40. So I figured out it should take me like 35 ads before I can actually hit 50 bucks to cash out! But slowly, as my blog readers increase, I started to earn more.. And now, I'm able to CASHOUT every 1 or 2 advertisements! *Yoohoo!*

Nuffnang is not only just another company which just handles blog advertising! One of the reasons why it is so successful because Nuffnang is a community. Once a while, events are held so that we get to meet people like us, people who loves blogging! I've made quite a no. of great friends through Nuffnang, one of them would be my Best.Blogger.Buddy - SimplyShawn (:

Another highlight of my blogging journey would be becoming the featured blogger of Nuffnang Singapore! If you haven't read my featured post, You should read it HERE! There is supposed to be a new featured blogger every year, which makes 12 in total.
But for 2008, there is only 5! and I'm one of them. *Super proud* But I had to do something for it, I remember Ming saying to me, "There are thousands of people wanting to become the featured blogger, why are u still thinking?" Well, I decided and I'm Mr.November :D and I'm proud of it! *Beams*

But for 2008, there is only 5! and I'm one of them. *Super proud* But I had to do something for it, I remember Ming saying to me, "There are thousands of people wanting to become the featured blogger, why are u still thinking?" Well, I decided and I'm Mr.November :D and I'm proud of it! *Beams*

Nuffnang also made me did something that I never thought I would do, Which is to donate blood. Somewhere in December last year, it was the Singapore's First blogger blood donation drive! I joined in the drive along with other Nuffnang bloggers and did a good deed :D

Of course we must know that Ming is not the only one handling everything in Nuffnang, but this bunch of great people too! Affectionately known as Nuffies :D They have been doing everything from distributing advertisement to blogs to organizing events! They are friendly people too! :D

Did I mentioned that I won an Ipod Nano through a Nuffnang contest? Once a while, Nuffnang organizes contest for bloggers to win free stuff! Personally I won like a few items! *Yay-ness* You can also blog to get free tickets to movies!!! and guess what? Normally you get to watch it before others!

So "Ming, how's my post? My something special in my next cashout must be really SPECIAL hor!" Well, All the best for Nuffnang, and may it venture out to more countries and get more bloggers!

