[Nuffnang Contest Entry]
Remember the times whereby mobile phones are still Monochrome, Ring tone are still Midi or Polyphonic, No Mp3, No radio, No Facebook, No Msn, No Wifi?

Mine is the... *Drum Roll*

Nokia 8250! *Applause*
Ok, maybe it's not that great compared to the phones today, BUT still, it's like one of the best phone around that time! It's the sleekest, lighter, chio-est phone!

Remember downloading these operator logos or Polyphonic tones?

The HTC Magic! *Ding Ding Ding*
What's your 1st ever mobile phone?

Mine is the... *Drum Roll*

Nokia 8250! *Applause*
Ok, maybe it's not that great compared to the phones today, BUT still, it's like one of the best phone around that time! It's the sleekest, lighter, chio-est phone!

Still remember this old school Nokia interface?

Remember downloading these operator logos or Polyphonic tones?
Let's compare the ancient Nokia 8250 to one of the latest phone in the market!

The HTC Magic! *Ding Ding Ding*
Pss. It's quite obvious who will win, but just let me compare k? *Clear throat* The HTC magic is one of the best phone in the market now, compared to the Nokia 8250...Eh, you really want me to name the difference?
What's cool about the HTC Magic is that, it runs on Android OS!
The HTC Magic has a 3.2 inch touch screen! Nokia 8250? No.
The HTC Magic has a 3.15 megapixel camera! Nokia 8250? No.
The HTC Magic has Bluetooth, Wifi and 3G! Nokia 8250? No.
What's cool about the HTC Magic is that, it runs on Android OS!

As HTC Magic is a Android phone, you can use it to view up-to-date list of the thousands of titles that are available on the Android market :D and HTC has it!
There is like thousands of different application on the Android market, I went through them and selected some really useful ones to share with you all!

There is like thousands of different application on the Android market, I went through them and selected some really useful ones to share with you all!

Meebo IM! Twidgit! FBabble!
Yup, those are the names of the applications! Meebo IM is used for Msn-ing, Twidgit is for twitter and FBabble for Facebook! These 3 applications is like the most important tools for me on my Omnia!
#1: Imeem Mobile
Some of you may ask me...
Excuse me. The iphone or Omnia also has these applications what, what so special for the HTC magic? I think iphone/Omnia is better...
So here are some really cool applications that I found in the Android market!
#1: Imeem Mobile

It's like having the whole imeem website in your mobile phone :D
#2: Lyrics search 2.2

Need lyrics for this particular song URGENTLY? This is the perfect app :D
#3: CompareEverywhere/ SG SavvyShopper

CompareEverywhere and SG SavvyShopper allows you to scan the product barcode and compare it with other places! It really works! I saw a live demo during the HTC event before! They found the price of the product at Sheng Siong!
Last but not least... Remember the Classic Nokia snake game?

It's available on the Android Market too! :D
There are many many other cool applications on the Android market too! *Ding Ding Ding* So ladies and gentleman, we have a clear winner! It's the...

There are many many other cool applications on the Android market too! *Ding Ding Ding* So ladies and gentleman, we have a clear winner! It's the...

Discover Magic with HTC Magic. www.htc.com/sea