Nevertheless, it was quite an experience. So as mentioned in my Clicknetwork.tv post (Click HERE to read it!), I have set 4 task to complete that day! So here's a short vlog i did before heading out of the house! (Did alot of takes!) Enjoy! :D
Ya, i know. It's abit retarded. But whatever~ So basically I have 4 task to accomplish, so here's how i use my phone, which is the LG GW620 to help me!

I'm always late, so this time i shall try to be on time! Meeting time is 2.45pm at Orchard Emerald, so I have to estimate what time i should leave the house...

This phone is LG's first android phone, and there is the android market with thousands of different application for you to download! One of the most useful application would be SG buses which allows you to check when your bus is coming!

Surprisingly, it's VERY accurate. I wonder how they do it. So, i have 16 mins to prepare before the bus comes! and YES! I was not late! In fact, i was early!!!!

Meeting place is at Orchard Emerald, which I don't really know where it is. I heard of Orchard Ion, Orchard cineleisure, Orchard Central but Orchard Emerald???

Android is acquired by Google so there are google applications such as Google mail, Google talk, Youtube etc. But what's really useful is the Google Map! All i have to do is type in the name of the place, and the phone will use it's GPS to locate it :D

Meeting place last minute-ly changed to Somerset 313! Task 2 complete!

One of the main reason we are there during the filming would be to live tweet so that our followers and Clicknetwork followers will get a "live" broadcast of what's happening! I can either use the phone's SNS or Twidriod to tweet and twitpic!

For this episode of Chick VS Dick, Paul and Kaykay have to use the LG GW620 phone to help them to solve their clue to find places in Orchard Road! So while taking pictures of them, I twitpic-ed them too! Here's what i tweet:

Task 3 completed!

This is considered quite an easy task as i think Kaykay wouldn't be that unfriendly to reject a person's request right! (I asked her once at Supperclub before!) :D

Tadah! Task 4 completed. Using my phone's 5 megapixel, the photo is super clear!

*throw confetti*