If I were to ask you this question, "How much do you know about SCDF?" I bet most of you can't give me an exact answer. Well, at least i admit I can't.
Well, let me give you a introduction of what is SCDF (:

Well, let me give you a introduction of what is SCDF (:

The main role of SCDF is to provide firefighting, rescue and emergency ambulance services, mitigate hazardous materials incidents, as well as formulate, implement and enforce regulations on fire safety and civil defence shelter matters.

Ok, i know it sounds like alien language to you. To make things really simple, basically it means when you call 995 for emergency, you are calling the SCDF!
Can't believe most of my friends think that we should only call 995 only when we need an ambulance, if got fire then call 999 -__- That's the wrong concept okay!
Remember the Nicoll Highway incident that happened on 20 April 2004?

(Image Credit: SCDF website)
Part of Nicoll Highway collapsed onto the MRT Circle Line tunnel construction underneath on Tues, 20 April 2004.

Can't believe most of my friends think that we should only call 995 only when we need an ambulance, if got fire then call 999 -__- That's the wrong concept okay!
Remember the Nicoll Highway incident that happened on 20 April 2004?

(Image Credit: SCDF website)
Part of Nicoll Highway collapsed onto the MRT Circle Line tunnel construction underneath on Tues, 20 April 2004.
The SCDF was activated for this mission. Firefighters and paramedics raced to locate and rescue surface casualties, back-up SCDF support and Related Agencies were also activated. Three lives were saved & three bodies were uncovered (:
Let me share with you all something!

Alright enough said. If you are interested in finding out more information about the SCDF, you can checkout their cool micro site HERE! (It's really quite cool!)
Let me share with you all something!

Ta dah! Can you spot me? I used to be from Saint john in secondary school! I join Saint john because #1: I want to join a uniform group, and #2: I have an interest in first aid, and I get to learn how to save people. It's a useful knowledge ok! I actually thought of joining the civil defence as a paramedic when i enter NS (: