Okay, you guys should know that this LG post is gonna come sooner or later right? If you are feeling lost after reading the previous sentence. Kindly click HERE, HERE or HERE (The links are the same btw) to read what is this LG thing is all about!
Well, I find that a "technical" review would be too boring, and I'm not a gadget-y blogger, so it's gonna sound weird if i go like, "This phone has a TFT resistive touchscreen, 3G HSDPA 7.2mbps blah blah blah" It all sound like alien language.
So how bout doing it my way? I'm sure it's gonna be oh so entertaining (:
ANdyStorm always wanted a sidekick phone. (If you don't know what's a sidekick phone, kindly google-image it -__-) Continue. As science lessons was super duper ultra boring, he decided to search on the Sidekicks available in Singapore (:
Well, I find that a "technical" review would be too boring, and I'm not a gadget-y blogger, so it's gonna sound weird if i go like, "This phone has a TFT resistive touchscreen, 3G HSDPA 7.2mbps blah blah blah" It all sound like alien language.
So how bout doing it my way? I'm sure it's gonna be oh so entertaining (:
ANdyStorm always wanted a sidekick phone. (If you don't know what's a sidekick phone, kindly google-image it -__-) Continue. As science lessons was super duper ultra boring, he decided to search on the Sidekicks available in Singapore (:

To his surprise, there are quite a no. of sidekick phones in singapore! There is the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1, The Google G1, The LG Prada and many more! Well, he was quite tired and since the lesson was damn boring, he soon fall asleep...

Suddenly, something pop out of his laptop screen and nudge him awake!

After the constant nudging from the weird looking character, ANdyStorm finally woke up and couldn't believe his eyes. How can something pop out of his screen?!
"Hi, My name is QWERTY. Looking for a Sidekick phone? I'm the 5-line qwerty keypad that gives you the freedom and comfort just like your PC keyboard. Try it out, it's gonna be so much easier than any other QWERTY keypad!"
Then suddenly, a butterfly literally flew out from his screen. (Kena shock again!)

Hi, I'm known as the Social Butterfly aka SNS manager! I allow you to go straight to your friends' social networking profiles from your contact list. Real time SNS updates ensure that you stay connected even on the move.
This time, ANdy is smart enough to look at his screen to see something pop out of his screen. But instead, another character pop out from behind his laptop. FML

I'm the Auto face tagging bird! Tag a friend's photo and I'll automatically recognizes their face. The Face to action means you can call, SMS, MMS, or join your friend's social networking site simply by touching their face in a picture!
Wow. ANdy was quite surprised with what his 3 new "friends" has to offer. It all seems too good to be true. What is their main motive of telling him all these?

More "friends" will be appearing soon! Stay tuned! (:

They say they have more friends to introduce to me -__- When is this gonna ever end. (Anyway he's used to things popping out from his screen le) So one by one, they started introducing themselves...
First up, we have one super enthu wierd looking one-eyed "thing"!
First up, we have one super enthu wierd looking one-eyed "thing"!

Hi, I'm the 5 Megapixel auto focus camera with LED flash! Hold it there, I can detect your face with my face detection! Should i use the beauty shot on you?

I'm the browser! The Android OS and Google browser provide one of the fastest web connections. You can also upload pictures and videos in seconds, and stream movies without lag! May i know what are you looking for?

I'm in a rush! There is lots of document to be viewed! Oh, pardon me. Let me introduce myself, I'm the Document viewer! I can read Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF! Which one do you want to view?

Need to go somewhere? Need help to find a place? I'm GPS aka Global Positioning System. Just tell me where you wanna go, and I will search out the place for you, in fact, i can lead you to your destination!

*Pant Pant* I'm the Real time push mail! You don't need to visit your mail box every time to check whether you got mail or not. Real-time push email alerts you instantly of new mail delivery. *Wipe sweat*
ANdyStorm: "Wow. Each and everyone of you have a special function which is exactly what people need in a phone! So what's your main motive of coming?"

Wait! Wait! Wait! Where have all of them disappeared to?!

What's that irritating knocking sound?

The facilitator found out that ANdy has fallen asleep!

ANdy realised he has been dreaming about the whole "character-popping-out-of-screen" thing all the while. What a weird dream... Hmmm... Wait, what if there is really such a LG GW620 phone? (Btw did you spot something?)

There is really such a phone!
It will be out in Singapore in early Jan 2010! But thanks to LG...

I'm one of the 6 lucky person that is using it in Singapore!
Alright, that's all! Hope you enjoyed the 3-part lame story that I created. At least it let you have an overview of what this phone is all about right? (: