So now, i'm going to do a REAL year end post + i gonna cheat abit but changing the date to 1st of Jan! AHAHAHHAHA Basically what i'm going to do is look through my blog archives and pick out the highlights + add a few things on my own! :D

Out of sudden, decided to design and print my own Blogger namecard! Spent like a few hours doing designs and designs, asking readers to choose between 2 designs cos i can't decide on which one to choose! The above is the final design :D

It's either February is a boring month or i did not blog about something exciting. The only "highlight" i can find would be being invited to the prestigious LG Prada event where I get to meet bloggers from M'sia & Hong Kong! Can you spot them?
P.s: Did an interview with Razor TV during the event too! Don't want to embed cos it's abit Ris low-ish + the camera man zoomed until can see my pores lor!
P.s: Did an interview with Razor TV during the event too! Don't want to embed cos it's abit Ris low-ish + the camera man zoomed until can see my pores lor!

Ok. This is getting boring. I realised my life is quite mundane. One of the highlights in March would be i accepted an advert from Watsons which allows me to go on a shopping spree at any of their outlet! (Of course, there is a limit -__-) Had a fun time shopping! How i wish more adverts like this will come knocking my door! :D

One of my proudest moment! I edited my blogskin single-handed! Spend like alot alot of hours staring at those weird codes, photoshopping, animating my banner etc! So damn happy when i finally launched it and received good comments :D

On the very same month, my Nuffnang cheque came! So happy when i saw it on my table! I was planning for a Malacca trip with my friends (secretly!) and i need cash to fund the trip! So i decided to cash out and put the money into good use :D


Ta-dah! Emptied my bank account and use my Nuffnang $ to fund this Malacca trip! It was actually a school trip but then it was canceled last minute but we decided to go anyway! (I did not tell my parents it was canceled!) We only had a short period of time to book the hotel, the coach and everything! Super fun and exciting! :D

May was boring. I wonder what i was doing at that time. Got invited to Nuffnang Private screening of Star trek with the other top bloggers in Singapore! There is like Peggy, Winnie, Xiaxue, Esther, Jessica, Jayden etc. The show is damn nice! :D

Oh ya! Remember le! Had my very first outdoor photoshoot at Changi! I realised i haven't blog about it yet! Photos all edited nice nice le, but keep forgetting to blog! So many nice photos to show you guys, maybe i shall blog about it soon :D

Won myself 300 bucks for my "Do Singaporean dress badly post?" Was really proud of that post because i put in soooo much effort for it leh! Although didn't win the first prize (which was like 500 bucks!) I was still happy with my 300 bucks!

In June, i also participated in the Singapore First Blogger flashmob organized by Nuffnang! The "Silent dance" Ok la, didn't really do the "dance" cos everything was too sudden and messy. Oh wells. Everyone had a fun time! That's all for June :D

Can't remember doing anything special for July. So i'm just going to share a blog post that i did during that month! It's like one of my "highlight" post! It's my "Growing up" post whereby i dig up all my old photos from young till now and i blogged about it! Everyone should do something like that for keepsake :D

Won a free phone through a blogging contest! The HTC magic! After i won the phone, the HTC PR team contacted me if i'm comfortable appearing on the papers as they want pitch the story to the papers! But i forgot what happened after that!

September, i was bored, can't think of anything to blog so randomly came up with 10 things about myself! It was one of my most popular post with 84 comments! Had a fun time sharing things about myself! Bet you guys enjoy reading it too!

Went for a blog event, and was given 2 pairs of coach tickets to KL or Malacca, sponsored by Konsortium! So since it was holiday period, i decided to last minute-ly grab my mum and head to malacca! Had only about 1 week to book the tickets, hotel and everything! 2nd time going to malacca in a year! Woohoo! :D

Was looking for my Birthday post, and can't believe i didn't blog about it at all! Lucky can find back the photos! Last year (2008) also! OMG, so sorry to all the people that make my 19th and 20th birthday a memorable one! My 20th birthday was celebrated with my BFFs, Nurul and Yah See! They really put in a lot of effort!

October was also the highly anticipated Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards! It's glam like those Mediacorp Star Awards (except the celebrities were different!) Everyone was like getting ready for this event! Thanks Nuffnang once again for the invitation, had a krunnch time doing the pringles and uniquely singapore post!


November was really boring. Wrote a post about the places i want to go around the world! Can't remember what i did in that month although it's only 2 months back. FML. So i'm gonna skip November and go on to December! AHAHAHAHHA

Got an invitation to join the LG GW620 Blogger review contest. Winning prize was a FULLY sponsored trip to Korea! Guess what? I'm one of the 3 lucky bloggers that will be heading to Korea next week! Will be skipping few days of school for it. It's is like -5 degree there now! Super cold! Gonna take the plane for the first time!

Phew! Basically summarized the whole year in such a long long post! Had to look through my archive month by month and pick out the highlights! I still think i missed out some important things that happened lor. Nevermind... Alright! That's all :D

Spend my Christmas this year with a bunch of Bloggers! Love the gift exchange sessions! I think my gift was the most unique lor! I prepared a fake letter saying the recipient won a month's worth of banner on my blog (worth $50) and wrapped an empty box! But the actual present was with me all along! AHAHAHAHHA

Nuffnang Year end party at K suite! There were like Singing contest, Pool, PS3, Food and drinks! Had a great night there and was voted president for the latest Nuffnang committee, the Glitterati +! Thanks to those who voted! *muacks*
Phew! Basically summarized the whole year in such a long long post! Had to look through my archive month by month and pick out the highlights! I still think i missed out some important things that happened lor. Nevermind... Alright! That's all :D