Let me see, it has been almost 3 weeks since I came back from Korea! It has been really really busy before and after the trip. I had to burn midnight oil to finish up my FYP before flying off! When i return, first thing is to submit and publish advert -__-
BUT it's all worth it. Let's rewind and go back to the week before flying off! ♥
BUT it's all worth it. Let's rewind and go back to the week before flying off! ♥

Just like everytime when i travel (not that i travel anot PLUS this is my first time taking a plane!), it's always a good thing to have a checklist to make sure you have everything! Thanks to Claire for preparing the checklist, i brought everything i need!
Btw, It's winter season in Korea and the weather is like -15 degree (with frequent snow!) thus there is a need to get winter wear + all winter stuff like gloves etc.
First place i thought of to get those stuff was...
Btw, It's winter season in Korea and the weather is like -15 degree (with frequent snow!) thus there is a need to get winter wear + all winter stuff like gloves etc.
First place i thought of to get those stuff was...

Daiso! Cheap and

Honestly, How good can $2 stuff be? For example, their "winter" gloves may provide some warmth but then it's nothing compared to those much expensive leather wool gloves. Oh wells, i shouldn't complain! Look nice can already =/

Checking out the "Winter scarf" section, doesn't seem like it can keep me warm, so i decided not to buy it. Got a few pairs of thick socks, only 2 bucks each, cheap! :D

Warm pack! No idea how it work, but it's damn amazing. Just take it out from the plastic and it will auto generate heat after time! Super cheap, 8 pocket size for 2 bucks! Beatrice bought hers from Watsons, i think 2 patch for 13 bucks! Bo hua~

I was procrastinating on packing my luggage because i dunno where to start from. I waited till the very last day and i finally sat down and start packing! Thought it will take me very long, in the end it took about 30 mins to pack only. Wthh -__-

On the way to the Airport! Night time flight, cannot see clouds :(

My parents fetched me to the airport, had dinner together at Simply Wang cafe.

My verdict: Food is expensive and not very nice. The end.

Took a photo with my mum using the new camera i bought! The Sony H20! :D

Can you spot my flight no?
Continued... After dinner at mundane Wang Cafe, it's time to meet Shawn, Beatrice and Wayne! This is the start of all the "first times"! First we had to get deposit our luggage and collect our tickets...

Economy class. IF ONLY it takes 1 more hour to fly to Korea then we will be in business class!!!! Anyway it's fully sponsored by LG so i shouldn't complain too much :D (The e-receipt state that the 2 way tickets cost 3K leh! Damn ex can!)

My very first air ticket to freedom! I mean to Korea.

If you feel that the photos are clearer or nicer, all thanks to the Sony H20!

That's Shawn BBB! After we deposit our luggage and collected our tickets, we split ways and settle our own stuff. Shawn and I went to roam around the transit area! After all, it's my first time stepping into duty free area! Nothing much actually...

First thing that caught our eyes in the transit area was the entertainment gallery which consist of the Xbox, PS3, Movies and Lan gaming -__- Walked all the way, played the PS3 for 15mins, then rush back to gather with the rest. Double FML

Finally we are leaving Singapore! Took the above photo secretly. Shh... don't tell anyone! The security guard came over and told us we are not supposed to take any photo inside. So guess what's next? Finally arriving at korea? You shall see...

Unglam photo of me and Shawn eating! *open mouth wide wide*

Beatrice with her ugly looking bun! She trying to be funny! AHAHAHHA

PRELUDE | DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3| DAY 4
Finally boarded the plane at 10pm! It's my first time flying and i was really really really really *repeats 324324324 times* excited! Did not manage to get window seat because there's 3 of us, so we had to sit in the middle row :D

Group photo! This shot is the best among all the shots. Had to photoshop heavily to make everyone look good. Go to Shawn's blog to see the original photo =/

Disappointment #1: When i enter the plane, I was expecting every seat to have a little personal >TV infront for entertainment, but turns out there is only 1 BIG screen at the front. Oh wells, No games and movies for me. Damn disappointing :(

Being bloggers and first time on the plane, everyone start taking our cameras out to take photos! That's shawn camwhoring with the act chio face! AHAHHAHAHA

They gave us a headphone each to plug to our seat so that we can watch the movie on the big screen or listen to radio! Caught a nice movie (forget the title!)

The above photo damn nice right! Too bad it's not taken by me. I googled it! If you use your brain, the first thing that would pop out in your mind would be, "He's taking the night flight, how come can take this photo?" -__-
Always wanted to take a photo like that through the window but it's a night flight and we are sitting in the middle row, so no chio photos of the clouds :(
Always wanted to take a photo like that through the window but it's a night flight and we are sitting in the middle row, so no chio photos of the clouds :(

You know the food is coming when something you smell something nice PLUS chio Korean air stewardess pushing their trolley out! All very pretty leh! *wolf whistle*

Sumptuous breakfast at 3am! Breakfast comes in a complete meal. Consist of the main dish - Scrambled egg with sausage, Yogurt, Fruits, Bun and distilled water :D

Edamame! (Just wanna show off my new camera's Macro function! MUAHAHA)

Unglam photo of me and Shawn eating! *open mouth wide wide*

Beatrice with her ugly looking bun! She trying to be funny! AHAHAHHA

Being super STM, i brought a notebook along to record down every single detail so that it can aid me when i blog about this trip! So hardworking right! *flicks hair*

4.40am: We landed at Incheon international Airport! When we landed, we looked out of the window and guess what? It was snowing! The ground is full of snow! Just like those Korean dramas! Damn excited! Yup, next post onwards, KOREA :D
PRELUDE | DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3| DAY 4