The month of May is coming soon! I shall be organized and plan what to do in this month. May can be counted as one of the most important month so far, and TIME is damn super precious. More important than money to me now. *tick tock tick tock*

The Month of may shall be socializing month, i want to meet up with these people!

#1: Serene and Rachel! Really miss them alot alot alot!

#2: BFFs! Haven't been meeting up for the longest time! Due to work commitments.

#3: Closest Poly mates! Manda, Peggy, Rinn, Keith and Hui xin (Not in picture)

#4: Wei jian, Shao Cheng, Zakia and William (Not in picture)! I'm a gummy bear~

#5: People-i-know-from-the-internet! Blogger peeps! :D

#6: ClaireChing! My bestest girl-friend!

#7: Colleagues! (I realised we don't have a group photo in uniform before.) Can't believe i started working at Hei Sushi downtown east even before i enrolled into Poly, and now that i've graduated, i'm still there! Almost 3 years leh! Woah.
Next week is gonna be my last week working if anyone of you wanna see me in real life, go downtown east find me! Lol. I have kept my working place secret for 3 years! Everytime my readers or someone ask, i won't not reply. Paranoid. AHAHAHA
Next week is gonna be my last week working if anyone of you wanna see me in real life, go downtown east find me! Lol. I have kept my working place secret for 3 years! Everytime my readers or someone ask, i won't not reply. Paranoid. AHAHAHA

#1: Watch Iron man 2 and IP man 2!

#2: Fish and Co. Craving for it since god knows when.

#3: One last photoshoot!

#4: Bleach my hair blonde! That's the best i can photoshop :(

#5: Mask my LG eve. Maybe DIY since i'm not willing to spend $$ Gmasking it!

#6: Go to Universal Studios Singapore! Damn ex but *secret* :D

Lastly, #7: Blog as much as i can!
That should be about all. I should be able to accomplish everything within 30 days, and leave with no regrets. Wanted to write more elaborate for each photo but i think i should keep things simple and each photo speaks a thousand words. (So i wrote like 15 thousand words! MUAHAHA) Good luck to me for the next 30 days :D