I'm back to introduce a korea variety show! "SHINee Hello baby!" Honestly, i never thought i would be a fan of SHINee but after watching their live performance at the SG eAwards, i began to listen to their songs and watch their videos on Youtube! (:

Around a month ago, i came across their latest variety show and i was hooked! I would spend the whole night watch episodes after episodes (only to realise ep12 is their last one. Major sadness!) Every week i would wait patiently for "Sfineee" to upload their english sub version onto their YouTube account! It's super duper nice!

SHINee's Hello baby is about raising 4 year old Yoogeun!

Onscreen, we see SHINee as idols who are cool, talented in singing and dancing but in Hello baby, we get to see the sentimental side of them. Not forgetting how funny each member can be! It's hard to explain, you have to watch it for yourself!

In episode 3, they wear up as animals for cute Yoogeun! Damn funny.
Embed the part 1/5 of the first episode! Watch it, you won't regret :D
Watch Hello Baby on Youtube channel - Sfineee (Clickable!) It's english subbed! (: