I've always been a fan of Macdonalds ice cream. I've seen the vanilla cone increase from 50 cents to the current 70 cents. But nevertheless, i still buy it the cone once in a while for a quick bite. Other than the vanilla cone, my other favourites would be the mcFlurry (2 bucks!) and the Hot fudge sundae! ($1.50!) *slurps slurps* :D

Macdonalds dessert Kiosk are everywhere in Singapore!

My current favourite ice cream would be the Hot Fudge sundae! I've never tried the strawberry one before. I wonder how it taste like... and i always wonder why must the chocolate be called Hot fudge? Cannot just simply Chocolate Sundae meh???
Nevermind about that. What i want to rant in this post is the PRESENTATION of the ice cream. According to their official photos, their Hot fudge should at AT LEAST look something like the ones below:

Nevermind about that. What i want to rant in this post is the PRESENTATION of the ice cream. According to their official photos, their Hot fudge should at AT LEAST look something like the ones below:

If you ask me to describe it, i would say it's a cup "full of vanilla ice cream and topped with a generous topping of Hot fudge". Sounds technically correct right?
BUT THEN, i don't expect every single sundae to look like that, it should be at least PRESENTABLE and be worth the money. I did a quick google search on Hot fudge sundae and this is the results:
BUT THEN, i don't expect every single sundae to look like that, it should be at least PRESENTABLE and be worth the money. I did a quick google search on Hot fudge sundae and this is the results:

Technically, if Macdonalds taught every SINGLE one of their staff to prepare their sundae the same way, these 4 images above should be around the same right? But no, it's not. The first 2 on top looks melted so i shall not elaborate about it.
Woah, did the see the one at the bottom left? It's overflowing with hot fudge! The one on the bottom right looks nice, but hey! Doesn't it seem too little? Where is the standard? What i heard from my friend that used to work in Macdonalds is that, to make the sundae. it consist of 3 swirls of ice cream, and one "push" of hot fudge.
Woah, did the see the one at the bottom left? It's overflowing with hot fudge! The one on the bottom right looks nice, but hey! Doesn't it seem too little? Where is the standard? What i heard from my friend that used to work in Macdonalds is that, to make the sundae. it consist of 3 swirls of ice cream, and one "push" of hot fudge.
Ready to see the ultimate hot fudge sundae?

Ta-dah! Eww should be the response.
I was in a rush so i took away a hot fudge sundae and hurriedly rushed back to my workplace. When i opened it, then... this is what i get lor. I was like, "Har?! How come my sundae like that one? So little?! Wah laooooo, The person got do properly anot!" So i took a photo and twitpic-ed it and here are the response:

All i can say is, what to do... Next time i get an ugly sundae, i will COMPLAIN!