Quite obvious what this post is about right? It's about getting my Nuffnang cheque! I've been blogging for almost 3 years and this is the biggest paycheck ever! Ok lah, i took a few months to accumulate this much but then it's quite alot to me leh!!!!
The last time i blogged about getting my nuffnang cheque, i mosaic-ed the amount because i was feeling, "Aiyah, also quite little. No need to show people" It was only abit, but enough for me to go on a trip to malacca with my friends. Can agar agar?

Just collected my cheque few days ago. This time, it's sooooo much more! (Btw, this is not all, there is still some left in the account waiting!) Not trying to boast or what, but tell you guys that YOU CAN EARN THROUGH BLOGGING! Nuffnang ftw (:

1.6k! Of course, it cannot be compared to Xiaxue's 10k cheque...

Short of one zero. (Photo credits: Xiaxue & Nuffnang)

I ❤ Nuffnang! Hopefully i get to cashout soon and blog about it again! :D