WARNING: Major USS spoiler ahead.

The BIG globe outside USS! Edited like 70 photos for this USS post so i'll be splitting this post into 2 parts, each post with about 30+ photos each! Hope you guys will enjoy reading and have an idea of what it's like in Universal Studios :D

Stepping into USS is like stepping into other world. You feel like you are in another country! I'm not exaggerating!!! Each of us were given a map to guide us around...

Peggy -Thydowager. Sabrina -Princessa. Me -ANdyStorm (Pls ignore my shirt)

Using Colour accent to select only the YELLOW from the map! So amazing.
After some briefing and introduction, we were free to roam the whole Universal studios! We went straight for the mini roller coaster to "warm up" ourselves, Lol. In case you don't know, i have a phobia for height, but then since i don't get to come USS everytime (so expensive leh!), i shall take the risk and take all the rides! :D

Ride #1: Enchanted Airways!

Happy us! Odd number means someone have to ride alone, that's me :(

I realised most of the visitors are ang mo tourist. Very little Singaporeans...

This is how the Enchanted Airways Roller coaster look like from the outside! :D

Attraction #2: Shrek 4D Adventure!

I think this is the ride that we have to queue for the longest time. Mainly because it's a show and we have to wait for the previous show to finish before we are allowed in. Almost wanted to give up queuing but i'm sooooo glad we did not! (:
It's a totally whole new experience! Water spurting out from the front, spiders tickling your feet! And the 3D is damn amazing! The images really "Pop out" from the screen one lor, like can feel it with your hands like that!I sound damn suaku.
It's a totally whole new experience! Water spurting out from the front, spiders tickling your feet! And the 3D is damn amazing! The images really "Pop out" from the screen one lor, like can feel it with your hands like that!


Mascots were also roaming around! Saw Puss in boots! So act chio lor!

USS is divided into 7 parts and Far far away is just one of them. In every part, there is definitely a themed cart that sell food and other things! Ginger bread house! :D

Hate it when it started raining. Spoil our day lor. Thank god it's only for awhile.

As it was raining, we went back to our starting point, the Marty's Casa Del Wild restaurant for shelter and also to grab some food & drinks to recharge ourselves!

Spotted the Madagascar characters! Damn cute but i dunno their names =/
Not sure if you guys realised, we have moved to another part of the USS! We are not at Far Far Away anymore, it's Madagascar now! *Sings* I like to move it ~

Ride #3: A crate Adventure. (Not opened yet) Notice the fish eye effect?

Actually there's nothing much at Madagascar as there is only 2 rides. One of them which is coming soon, and the other is a kiddy ride. But it's still can take photos!

I like how they design the themepark! It's like transporting you to another place!

Using the fish eye effect to create some "little" us against the HUGE tree stump!

Hollywood area! Miniature effect! Making everything look like toys :D

Sab was feeling hungry so we decided to stop by this Hollywood themed cart!

The dinosaur cup is damn cute and they cost 13 bucks! After you finish your drink, you can go to any of the carts around the themepark to top up the cup for just $1!

Sabrina posing with her cinnamon dunno-what (forgot the name. Opps)

Isn't this the Gingerbread man from the Shrek movie?

When you enter Universal studios, the first "themed-area" is actually the Hollywood area. There's not much of attractions, in fact there's only 1 which is the Pantages Hollywood theater. Other that that, you can wait for the special appearances of their mascots such as Frankenstein, Betty boop, Woody woodpecker and others!

Moving away from Hollywood, you would reach New York!

You would see all sorts of cool buildings where you can take lots and lots of photos! Did not managed to go to the "Lights, Camera, Action!" attraction where we can see how a empty sound stage becomes the setting for a major hurricane :(

Did you spot someone familiar?

It's Marilyn Monroe! Everyone was queuing to take photos with her against the New York taxi! This photo is taken using the colour accent function, nice right! :D

Next up, we entered another theme-land, the Sci-Fi city!

One of the rides at the Sci Fi city - The Accelerator!

Sabrina and I thought this ride is gonna be those "spin until very fast" ride and make us feel dizzy/ feel like vomiting so we decided to give this ride a pass. Peggy went alone, in the end, the thing spin until damn slow. Like a waste of time -__-

Battlestar Galactica - Cylon! One of the main attraction in USS! But it was closed.

Colour accent! Only the red track is shown, the rest of the photo is B&W!

Overview of the roller coaster! It's so BIG it can be seen from Vivocity. The red one is the "HUMAN" track which is not as scary as the blue one. Even if the ride is open that day, i won't take it. Seem abit too scary for someone with height phobia!
Alright, that's all for Part 1! Will reveal the other half in Part 2! Stay tuned.