Adidas has recently launched their latest Seoul series watches and I'm one of the lucky 10 bloggers who got the watch beforehand! All 10 of us will try to pair our watch with our most funky sportswear or picture the watch in a creative photo!!! :D
I don't think i look sporty so i decided to picture the watch creatively in line with the theme - Sporty. Decided to use a Danbo! Cute right!!! Here's the end results:

I don't think i look sporty so i decided to picture the watch creatively in line with the theme - Sporty. Decided to use a Danbo! Cute right!!! Here's the end results:

But i submitted this instead cos i think it's more nicer:

Since my Adidas Seoul watch is green and yellow in colour, the first thing that came to my mind was the Brazil flag, thus related to soccer. So i decided to base my idea on soccer! Using a toy figurine and taking the photo in macro mode makes the whole photo look cuter :D
The above photo will be uploaded to the official Adidas timing facebook! Do click this link - and "like" my photo!!!! You guys stand to win Adidas premiums worth 200 bucks! So faster go "like" my photo :D