Saturday, September 18, 2010

Night Cycling at East Coast Park!

Impromptu decision to go Night cycling with Jiaqi, YingZi, Kaixin and Jing long! So from Kallang leisure Park, we took the train to Dakota and took a bus all the way to East Coast Park! Super random!!!!!

Can't remember the last time i rode a bicycle lor! Rented a bike each for $6 and cycled around east coast. Oh ya, I HAS A HIDDEN TALENT! I can freakin' ride a bicycle without holding onto the handle leh! Dunno how i do it also, Lol. Jiaqi tried to copy me and crashed into Kaixin and fell down -__-

We spend $6 renting the bicycles for 1 hour but i think we spent 30mins of the time taking photos!

Love the feeling of cycling at night! It's damn shuang to have the wind blowing against you! ♥