For this year's 21st birthday, i actually had a little secret wish. My wish is to receive 21 presents! I know it's quite impossible because my friends would most likely share $$ and buy me something for my birthday. BUT little did i know that my BFFs, Nurul and Yah see was going to fulfill my wish! ♥

They presented me with this paper with lots of words and ask me to pick out 21 items...

Toothbrush, sexy boxers (?!) and blings blings!

Favourite Mug, tomato juice, tomato chips, chio pen, magazine (FHM!)

Chocolate Snacks, candies and slippers!

Vodka, Friendship band, a photo, official document, heart shaped voucher,
door hanger, socks and red box(condom)!

I got 20 out 21 items correct! MUAHAHA

In total, there's 21 presents!!!! Appreciate it sooooo much, thanks BFFs ♥