This shall be the third and last post for this year's CNY! I decided to blog both the 3rd and 4th day together to make things easier! The day before i slept really late after leaving my 3rd aunt house the night before and i'm supposed to wake up early on Day 3 to go Hui xin's house to bai nian! But i overslept (opps.) and Ryan last minute had something on so we dragged all the way till noon -__-

Group photo at Hui xin's house! Ryan cabbed all the way down from woodlands, LOL

Took photos behind the "fu" word for more CNY feel! I love my tee! 10 bucks only :D

The guy who influenced me to get the iPad! Impromptu googled for CNY image to take this photo!
Had a little ban luck session at Hui xin's house, it's also the first time that i got Ban Ban this year! (2 Aces!!! x3 payout leh!!!) But i think i lost some $! Actually i don't even know if i win or lose $ during this CNY season because i keep forgetting to count my starting capital! I just kept playing and playing!
After leaving Hui xin's house, i headed straight to Joyce's house to bai nian at Khatib!

BAN LUCK AGAIN!!!! I think i lost $$ also, Boo.

Group photo and instaxs at her house end our gambling session! Doing Yz trademark 兔子 pose!
Wanted to go bowling at the nearby Yishun Safra but the waiting list was super duper ultra long! Had to wait like an hour before it's our turn. Eventually we gave up waiting, so we decided to go to the nearby coffee shop for late dinner and play sparkles at the park after that! Weeeeee~ Like a fun!

Used a total of... let me count... at least 26 sparklers for this photo! Quite nice right! ♥

Only 2 great shots out of the many shots taken! Love the firework mode on my Samsung EX1 but it's really really not easy to capture this kind of shot! Need to ensure everyone NOT to move after the photo is taken. Apparently there's definitely one or two who will move and turn out blur. Oh wells.

Instax photo took at Joyce's house! Got the CNY feel anot! :D
Alright, that's all for Day 3, now to Day 4! Woke up early in the morning to meet Rinn and Hui xin to travel all the way down to woodlands to bai nian at Ryan's house! He didn't expect us to be on time and was still sleeping when we reached his house!!!! Damn epic. Without further ado, we opened up the Mahjong table and started playing, too busy gambling, forgot to take photos!!! Damn wasted. LOL
Just when i was about to leave for BFF Yah see's house (which is all the way at Bukit Batok!) They suggested playing Blackjack so i thought i might win some $$ for cab fare so i checked and they suggested that the fare to my BFF house was around 14 bucks. So i stayed on for awhile to play and GUESS WHAT! I managed to win 14 bucks!!! But due to peer pressure (LOL!) from Rinn and hui xin, i got influenced to try and win more $$ but lost everything in the end. FML tyvm. Zzz
Just when i was about to leave for BFF Yah see's house (which is all the way at Bukit Batok!) They suggested playing Blackjack so i thought i might win some $$ for cab fare so i checked and they suggested that the fare to my BFF house was around 14 bucks. So i stayed on for awhile to play and GUESS WHAT! I managed to win 14 bucks!!! But due to peer pressure (LOL!) from Rinn and hui xin, i got influenced to try and win more $$ but lost everything in the end. FML tyvm. Zzz
Yes, in the end i cabbed to Bukit Batok using my own money -__-

Me and my lovely 2 BFFs! Yahsee and Nurul!!! ♥

Another one!!!! ♥

Bought Yusheng from Sakae Sushi for the family :D

Another group photo, with the Yusheng this time! HUAT AHHHHH!

Preparing the Yusheng, putting the salmon slice on top of it! Looks very appetizing!

After putting in all the condiments and such! All ready to be lou hei-ed!!!

Gather everyone in the house in the kitchen for lou hei!!! I like the feeling, very happy!!!

3 instax shots. One for each of us to keep ♥
After BFF's house, i headed straight to NEX to meet my cousins for movie - Black Swan!

Randomly bought CNY goodies from NTUC! I like the old school chewy sweets! nom nom nom
Alright, that's all for my CNY posts for year of the rabbit! Managed to squeeze everything into 3 post! Ok lah, it's not that difficult. It's like piak photo, type one line, piak another one, type another line.
Hope you guys enjoyed :D