If you haven't read the Day 1 post for whatever reason, click HERE to read it! On Day 1, we slept at around 1am+ and we made it a point to set off by 9am the next day so that we can have ample time for early breakfast and make our way to Ocean Park! (Which is quite a distance from our hotel!) :D

When planning the itinerary for this Hong Kong trip, the 2 main places that i want to visit was #1: Ocean Park and #2: Disneyland! So i planned Day 1 to be exploring the streets of HK, Day 2 to be Ocean Park, Day 3 to be Disneyland and Day 4 to be last minute shopping! Without further ado, let's start on Day 2! The girls woke up damn early. As expected, i was the last to wake up. Oh wells -__-

Every morning, we will take a group shot to start the day! Notice our matching tees? ♥
The previous night while we were exploring the streets of Hong kong, we ended up at some night market (It's like our pasar malam!) Then we saw this "I ♥ HK" tee, then one of us suggested that we should all get one each and wear it the next day! Anyway it's damn cheap, so why not? Cutee :D

2 camwhore shots photobomb-ed by BFFs! LOL
It's gonna be our very first breakfast in HK, and i was looking for the typical HK cafe, also known as "茶餐厅"! Often see in those HK drama! So glad we found one that's near our hotel, just opposite! YAYY

Can't decide what to order because there's too many choices for us to choose! The menus in HK are all in chinese, so i have to agar agar figure out what it is. But i'm damn proud that i can speak Cantonese! I can converse well and all the aunties like me alot, still say want to give me discount leh! *blush*

I CAN HAS POLO BUNS! Finally i can sink my teeth into an AUTHENTIC polo bun!!! You have no idea how delicious it is until you try it! I can die happily now! I know i damn kua zhang but still! LOLOLOL

My breakfast set also comes with ham, hot dog, double sunny side up and mixed veggies (eww.)

SEE HOW BIG THE POLO BUN IS?! I wish the ones in SG can be as nice. Oh wells.

Group shot while waiting for the green man! I highly suspect my EX1 has "auto makeup" mode!

Took the MTR to Admiralty station, which is the nearest MTR to Ocean Park.

Bought our tickets at the Station so that we don't have to buy it at park! Save time! (and cheaper!)

You think once you reach Admiralty, you are at Ocean park? You are so wrong.

You have to purchase bus tickets to travel to Ocean Park! HK$10.60/trip!

Warning: The queue for the bus is super long! I think everyday alot of people go to Ocean Park!

After around 15 mins, we finally arrived at Ocean Park! I feel like tearing when i reach the entrance lor. It's like after watching HK dramas since young, thinking one day i will step into ocean park, i'm finally at the door step!!!! Btw, the above photo is photoshop-ed! Too paiseh to ask people to help us take, so i took 2 photos, and photoshop Yah see into the photo with me and Nurul! *flicks hair* :D


One more group shot before entering the park! *freakin' excited*

According to the map, there's 2 parts in Ocean Park, and we can take the cable car to get to the other side of the park! CABLE CAR LEH!!!! Across the mountains, beside the ocean in such a cold weather!
First stop is the Grand Aquarium! Obviously ocean park will have something like SG's Underwater World right, or else why is it called OCEAN park. Except that the grand aquarium is like 3432 times better!

MEETPAUL THE OCTOPUS! (I think octopus damn ugly and scary)
First stop is the Grand Aquarium! Obviously ocean park will have something like SG's Underwater World right, or else why is it called OCEAN park. Except that the grand aquarium is like 3432 times better!

I still remember there's this couple beside us looking at the octopus then the BF said (in cantonese) something like, "Isn't this Paul the octopus! The one who can predict the soccer score!" The GF gave the -__- face and replied, "I thought the octopus die already." I was laughing to myself! AHAHHAHAHA

This is ONE HUGE AQUARIUM! At least 2 storey high lor! All sorts of fish inside! Got schools of fishes swimming together (can see in the photo!), Sharks, Stingrays and many more! Damn amazed.

KINGDRA! It looks like the sea horse pokemon. ROFL

We then moved on to the souvenir shop! LOOK AT THE GIANT DOLPHIN I'M HOLDING!!!

I bought one of these little aquariums! Super cute, got the Nemo and Dory swimming inside! It's damn expensive lor, but i got one of it anyway. There's sooooo many things to buy and this is only the first souvenir shop that we entered. Plus we have to carry everything throughout the day -__- FOL

Crazy amount of people crowing infront of the habitat to see the panda munch on leaves. Honestly, i wasn't expecting to see a panda in real life. When i first saw it, i starred at it and told myself, "This cannot be real, it's a real life panda right infront of me" It's FREAKIN' ME OUT because it's SO REAL. It's as if there's a human inside a costume!!! Really what, the only time we get to see pandas is those mascots lor. Now suddenly see a real one how to believe! It's quite cute though. FOL tyvm.

"This cannot be real, it's a real life panda right infront of me" AHHHHHHHHH
We figured out that there isn't much to explore already, so we decided to move on the next part of Ocean park, and in order to get to the other side, we shall take the Cable car! (we can take the express train though) I've heard so much about the cable cars in Hong Kong! Up up and away!


Photo with BFF Yah see in the cable car! ♥


The view was breath taking! On one side are the mountains, on the other is the sea!
First thing that we saw after getting off the cable was this ride - THE FLASH.

I got motion sickness + phobia of height. That's why i don't take roller coasters AT ALL so this ride is definitely a no no for me. Especially when it will hang you upside down, not once, but THREE times.
OK LAH, i took it in the end. I submitted to PEER PRESSURE, LOL
This has got to be the scariest ride of my life. I literally feel like i'm going to fly off my seat. I was holding the handrail damn tightly. Imagine being hang upside down with your feet in the air! or your face looking directly at the ground! I swear i almost died. Thank god i did not eat anything or else i will definitely puke. Phew. Never gonna take this kind of ride again. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

We conquered THE FLASH! MUAHAHA (this photo the colours damn nice!)
My stomach was feeling damn unwell after getting down the ride (but i pretending i was fine infront of my BFFs!) The feeling is like "want to puke but got nothing to puke" kinda feeling. I figured out that i was too hungry! In fact, everyone was hungry! So we looked through the map, and headed to lunch!

Our lunch! Damn expensive, want to chop tourist's money only lor. One bowl like SGD10!!! I had duck and char siew rice! We also ordered a drink each and fries to share! Not very nice but too hungry! The biggest difference in the char siew in HK and SG is that the char siew in HK is all thick thick one! Singapore's thin thin one. Can see the thickness from the above photo right? HK's char siew has "3 layer"! Have to keep chewing and chewing. I think i had char siew every single day in HK -__-

Saw Gachapon machines! This watch is only HK10 which is equivalent to less than $2 SGD! I was aiming to get either the Spiderman one or the iron man one! In the end we all tried and got a few silver surfer (the one in the photo above), 1 green goblin (purple and green, Zzz) and 1 ghost rider. I'm wearing this watch out, and people are not taking me seriously lor. Oh wells. LOLLOLLOLOLOLOL

Remember i said i won't take thrill rides ever again earlier on? I took this mine train roller coaster. FML I don't know what made me queue up for this ride. Looking at the track freaks me out, but it was quite fun though. I just hate the part when it goes down (I know that's supposed to be the fun part -__-)

We saw no one queuing for the pirate ship so we chiong onboard! (Forgetting that i hate pirate ships, i'm complaining alot about the rides! AHAHHAHAHA) You know how pirate ship starts off slowly, climbing higher and higher, making the ride more exciting? THIS PIRATE SHIP IN OCEAN PARK IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Within 2 "sways", it got really high and i was literally showing the O.O face. FML ttm.

This is the scariest ride in Ocean park, and obviously i die die also won't take.

While Nurul and Yah see went on the scary roller coaster (they say the Flash was scarier than the roller coaster, how they expect me to believe. Just look at the loops -.-) Anyway, i went to walk walk around while they queued up for the ride and i ended up at this carnival! Got alot of carnival games! Quite happening lor! So i patiently waited for my BFFs to finish taking the ride, and took them there!

They have this "throw-a-ring-and-hook-onto-the bottle" game, and i was so confident i could do it so we spent HK50 getting 50 rings, in the end none of it manage to hook onto the bottle. Now i seriously wonder if it's possible. I stood there and see, but no one can do it lor! Cheat oneeeee!

This basketball game was one of the carnival games and i was quite confident at winning a prize so i paid HK20 and managed to score 4 balls, winning myself a prize!!! Which is a smaller version of the red soft toy that was hanging! My BFFs was stressing me at the side somemore! MUAHAHAHA

There was also a booth for caricatures! I last minute (just before the park close) rushed to the booth wanting to get a picture for souvenir sake but it was too late. I was so disappointed lor :(
Watching the aquatic show is a MUST when you visit Ocean park! We rushed all the way to the 3.30pm show but then they closed the door, saying the show is full. Die die also must watch, so we decided to wait till 5.30pm for the next show. In fact, we arrived at around 4.30! Kiasu much?
Watching the aquatic show is a MUST when you visit Ocean park! We rushed all the way to the 3.30pm show but then they closed the door, saying the show is full. Die die also must watch, so we decided to wait till 5.30pm for the next show. In fact, we arrived at around 4.30! Kiasu much?

Group shot! We got ourselves good seats! Right infront of the stage somemore! WEEEEEE

Right beside us is a mini stage whereby there will be music performance before the show!


Their dolphins are so cuteeee and perfect looking! Singapore ones are like chui already lor, so what if it's "pink". Anyway, i felt like tearing when i watch the show! I can literally FEEL the connection between the dolphin and the trainer. It's so magical and touching lor. Kept the tears to myself. LOL

4 dolphins jumping out of the water at the same time! I wish there was killer whales though.

Anyhow-ly adjust the manual mode and got this photo! Like a chio only! *gifted* MUAHAHA
Ocean park closes at around 7pm so we took the bus back to Admiralty and decided to take the MTR to Mong kok for shopping! While carrying our barangs barangs that we bought from Ocean park. Zzz

MONG KOK! Read online that Mong kok is one of the places to visit for night shopping!

First stall that greeted us when we exited the MTR was this drink store. So we went closer and after looking at the menu, we wanted to try! So i ordered a mango + strawberry combi and GOSH, it was DAMN AMAZING. Better than KOI, GONG CHA, CUPWALKER or any other drink!!!! Definitely a MUST TRY when in Hong Kong. They have quite a number of outlets in HK, so just keep a lookout for it (:

IF ONLY IT'S AVAILABLE IN SINGAPORE, i bet it'll be soooo popular!

Typical street side stall in Hong Kong! You just say/ point to what you want then they dip the stick into hot water and give it to you. Very fast but sometimes i find it quite unhygienic. It's like damn open air right beside the road and god knows how long the food has been in the open already. Zzz

I bought this egg snack again! But this time it's chocolate flavoured! Nom nom nom

Bought siew mai and curry fish balls from the stall! Quite nice leh! (and it's cheap!)

BFFs posing with their food against the Ladies Street which is located a Mong kok!

Honestly, i find Mong kok area damn nice to shop! There's like zillions of shops, night market, food stalls and more! The roads are closed to you can walk on the road freely. It just feel so "Hong kong" with all the neon signage, the crowd, if you get what i mean. Damn happening at night one.

Stitch soft toys dominating the shelves everywhere! You have NO IDEA how popular stitch is in Hong kong! It's like everywhere you go, you will see stitch(es)! I think it's even more popular than Mickey mouse in Hong Kong lor! Unlike Singapore. All dunno how to appreciate such a cute alien. LOL

Saw the stitch projector! I got one at home but different design! Got it as a birthday gift!

Can you believe these are sweets? Damn expensive, like SGD$1 per sweet so you agar agar figure out how much this whole box of cute sweet cost lor. See already also cannot bear to eat. So cute.

BFFs choosing these paper cutters for their DIY cards! Every store we go, i tried to converse in Canto with the owner and try to bargain for cheaper price and it always work! So proud of myself! :D

We kept shopping without keeping track of the time. In the end we realised we shopped till around 10pm! Too late for dinner so we went to the nearby 7 eleven to buy some cup noodles, Yakult, Ribena, and some side snacks and went all the way back (walked again -.-) to our hotel room for late dinner!

Like a ke lian. Like no $ then eat cup noodles for dinner. LOLOLOLLLOL

Did some sums before sleeping. Calculating the amount of spent and remaining. Getting ready for Disneyland the next day! FINALLY That's all for Day 2! Gosh, i spent like 6 whole hours blogging this Day 2 blog post! So you have no choice but to say you enjoyed reading this post! MUAHAHA