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Have you ever dreamt of owning all of the latest gadgets?

But the gadgets just seem too expensive and it's gonna burn a hole in your wallet!

Have you ever dreamt of owning all of the latest gadgets?

But the gadgets just seem too expensive and it's gonna burn a hole in your wallet!

Sold.sg is an innovative online auction site where you can bid for popular items such as Apple products, Playstation accessories, Kate Spade items and much more at a great discount! In the website, the items you desire can be sold for up to 99% off their retail price! Unbelievable right!

FYI: The closing bid for this MacBook air was $438.25 (The winner saved like a 1000 bucks!)

FYI: The closing bid for this MacBook air was $438.25 (The winner saved like a 1000 bucks!)

Oh ya! Each bid cost 75 cents so everyone have a chance of buying the items at extremely low prices! This site is 100% safe and reliable! That's no hidden cost so all you pay is the tokens you spent on + the final price of the item. Delivery is FREE right to your doorstep with no GST! It's just like shopping online, but in a more entertaining way! Imagine the satisfaction of winning the bid! :D

Wah lao. Envy much. iPad at only $35.40, WHERE TO FIND!!!! :(
Here are some unbelievable deals closed!

Wah lao. Envy much. iPad at only $35.40, WHERE TO FIND!!!! :(
Prices start from zero and for each bid, the price goes up by 15 cents, and time limit goes up by 20 seconds! So normally when the countdown time hits zero, the auction will end at a large discount!

I tried to bid for the Xbox 360 with Kinect bundle but then i realised this kind of bidding system requires patience and perseverance! Here's a little tip from my experience: START SMALL! But what's important is the process of "shopping" for the items that you want! I was super excited when i placed my bid during the very last 10 seconds, even though i did not win the item at the end, i still had fun trying to outbid the other bidders and counting down with the timer, praying that i would win, LOL
Don't go for popular items like Xbox or iPad on your first try because alot of experienced bidder are eyeing on them! Go for little items such as Movie vouchers, thumbdrive etc, until you really grasp the concept then go all out for the big items! I'm still learning the ways to winning auctions, LOL :D

Shall eye on their GOLD CLASS Movie voucher next! (which retails at 72 bucks!)
What are you still waiting for?
Go to SOLD.SG and try it out now!
Do follow them on twitter @SoldSG or Facebook.com/soldsg!
Don't go for popular items like Xbox or iPad on your first try because alot of experienced bidder are eyeing on them! Go for little items such as Movie vouchers, thumbdrive etc, until you really grasp the concept then go all out for the big items! I'm still learning the ways to winning auctions, LOL :D

Shall eye on their GOLD CLASS Movie voucher next! (which retails at 72 bucks!)
What are you still waiting for?
Go to SOLD.SG and try it out now!
Do follow them on twitter @SoldSG or Facebook.com/soldsg!