Super overdue post! But since i already edited the photos long long ago, i shall do a quick post! Over the weekends was the RSAF open house so i thought it would be a good chance to bring my friends there to let know more about about the air force and mainly because i want to see the air show again! The only time we get to see such air show is during national day leh! LOLOLOLOLOL

Traumatized by the long queue at the interchange for the shuttle bus. Decided to cab in instead.

Until today, everyone is still not used to my EX1 camera! Look at the lens, not the flip screen!!!

An cool looking F15 aircraft greeted us when we enter the open house! Super nice!

Went straight to the seating gallery to wait for the airshow to start! Can you spot Jiaqi and Ying zi?

The air show started with parachuting from a C130 plane, followed by fighter air crafts taking off RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES! You don't even get to see it during NDP lor! This air show really shows how ready the air force when in emergency. I bet everyone was impressed by it! *beams*

It feels like the National parade! Except that me and jing long are sitting on the ground. No seats -.-

The amount of people at the open house. Want to take photos with the aircraft also difficult.

The Hercules C130! Alot of people queuing just to go into it just to take a look...

Camwhoring with a helicopter at the back! :D

It's not everyday you get to take a photo infront of a plane!!! Ehh, the uncle behind photobomb.

The great Chinook transport helicopter at the back!

Last but not least, FREE Rsaf pin badges for souvenirs! Collected all 3 designs! ♥