Every year without fail, i will try to ballot for the NDP tickets, same for this year. But this year, thanks to Ying zi, i managed to get tickets for the NDP preview! (which is better than nothing, in fact i rather go for the preview than the actual thing on 9th Aug) Since she had 4 tickets, i get to ask my BFFs along too! First question that Yah see asked me, "Will have goodie bag anot???" LOL

Met up at Raffles City and bought Gong Cha! (Seriously it's over rated!)

Had a quick meal at Raffles City basement! Potato with Chicken and cheese! Quite nice!

How can a meal end without a dessert? Awfully chocolate ice cream! Super thickkkkk!

Nurul, Yahsee, Yingzi and me queuing to get our goodie bag and enter the marina platform!

Camwhore! Must take with the flag to show that we are at the parade!

There's this Merlion shaped butter cookies by Khong guan in the goodie bag! So Pretty!


"WOOOOOOOO-AHHHHHHHHHHHH" *wave flag vigorously *
Every year the same thing since i was primary 5, LOL -.-

Chinook helicopter hovering over the water, causing turbulence. Feels like a X-men scene! LOL

Fly past of the National flag while singing the national anthem! /patriotic

The best part of the night, CONFETTI! Totally didn't expect it. The machine was like only 10 meters away from us and it suddenly burst, filling the air with bits of red and white paper! I was smiling with my mouth wide open that i think i ate a few pieces of it. Ok, i'm joking. Not so kua zhang lah.

SEE SEE SEE! The whole sky is filled with confetti! I wonder who's gonna clean up after that.

I think this photo very chio! Got confetti, got fireworks, got abit of the stage, got the night city view and river. Therefore, I shall conclude this photo as an award winning photo! MUAHAHA

See how happy my BFFs are! Like a celebration with confetti! :D

PRETTY FIREWORKS!!!! Shall be considerate and only show one photo (:

Last group photo to end the preview! Thanks to Yingzi for the tickets!
The preview ended at about 8pm+ so me and my BFFs wanted to have dinner and we thought, why not go for the Kbox dinner at Marina Square! Sing and eat at the same time! Can waste time also!

3 hours of kbox + Chicken chop set with drinks and snack!

Ended Kbox at around 11+ to midnight, went over to Hong kong cafe for some snacks!

Shall abruptly end this post with a photo of Mochi with peanuts from Hong Kong cafe!