I know it's already 2012 but based on my blogging habits as you all might have noticed for the past years, it's almost impossible for me to blog about my Christmas within the next 5 days before New Year Day! This not only applies to Christmas post but almost every other event! (Damn, did i just reminded myself that i still haven't blog about my HK trip last October?! It's been 2 months? OMG.)
December has always been one of my favourite month because #1: It's Christmas month! #2: It's the last month of the year! But it also meant that i will spend more due to the Christmas gift exchanges with friends and colleagues. Well, it's the season of giving! *Plays christmas songs ♫*
December has always been one of my favourite month because #1: It's Christmas month! #2: It's the last month of the year! But it also meant that i will spend more due to the Christmas gift exchanges with friends and colleagues. Well, it's the season of giving! *Plays christmas songs ♫*

Just like the past few years, met up with my dear poly mates - Amanda, Keith, Hui xin for lunch in town! Peggy and Rinn can't make it due to work commitments but you will see as you read on ;)

They are the very first few people who i first met in Poly! Even though we are from different diplomas, due to the first year common modules in RP, we met and became great friends throughout the 3 years in school. Other than my BFFs, i didn't really bother to make new friends in school. LOL

Had Crystal Jade at Taka! Realised they don't have dim sum there :(

A group photo before we start eating!
By the way, everything in this post happened on the 26th of December! On the actual day, 25th, i was celebrating Christmas with the *Cousins at Hotel Re! (which i will blog about it on a separate post!) After checking out on 26th morning, i went over to town to meet my poly mates for lunch (:

The XLBs at Crystal Jade are really not bad. No wonder it's always full house at Holland Village.

After lunch and walking around town, i headed over to Timbre, Substation to meet my BFFs! Made reservations a few days before to avoid disappointment and queuing. Honestly i was super tired that day. Did not sleep well at Hotel Re the night before, headed to town straight and now Timbre...

BUT STILL, I'M HAPPY TO SEE BOTH MY BFFS!!! Our annual gift exchange ♥

Ordered Potato Wedges, drinks (I ♥ their red bull punch!) and 2 half half pizzas!

Photo taking as usual while waiting for our food.

HERE COMES OUR PIZZAS! Buffalo chicken, Sunny side up, Hawaiian and Duck pizza!

Throughout the whole dinner, the 3 of us were really excited for the gift exchange because we want to know if we like the gifts that we bought for each other. Honestly, it was really difficult getting gifts for the 2 girls. Chocolates is a nono, they are abit too old for soft toys so what else can i get?!

Gave out the presents. BFFs had 3 because i gave them 2 presents each ♥

Unwrapping the present i got for them...

I got them an 2012 organizer each (which i thought was really practical, hello! and i got one back from Yah see too, LOL) and a "FRIENDS" photo frame and included photos that we took throughout the past 4 years that we have been friends! By the way, i got a USB powered mini Fridge from Nurul!

Took instaxs photo by the HUGE christmas tree at Raffles City to end the day ♥
This is when i took a train back to town to meet my poly mates again. (Yes, AGAIN!) Because this time round, Rinn ended work at almost 10 and it's time for our annual gift exchange!!! YAYYYYY

A group photo of the 5 of us before we commence on the highly anticipated gift exchange!

Placed the presents nicely infront of us! For this year, we decided to put all our ez link card into this paper bag and we pick a card out and according to whose card we pick, we get their present!

In the photo on the right, i was praying that Hui xin won't kena my gift because she knows what it is and SHE WANTS IT ALOT. What i bought was a Rilakkuma (i had to google to know the spelling -.-) thumbdrive which looks like exactly like this (click link to view) which i thought was super cute! ♥
Anyway, she really heng heng managed to pick out my EZ link and got my present. Can't believe it, LOL. The ultimate gift among us this year is by Keith! He was carrying this HUGE present throughout the whole day and we were wondering what it was, until the moment Amanda opened her gift...
Anyway, she really heng heng managed to pick out my EZ link and got my present. Can't believe it, LOL. The ultimate gift among us this year is by Keith! He was carrying this HUGE present throughout the whole day and we were wondering what it was, until the moment Amanda opened her gift...

His present is a "Gambling den" set which was super cool (it even had the chips, mat etc!) Not only that but also a cute orange passport holder and a lego USB hub! WHY I NO GET HIS PRESENT! Anyway, i got an esprit leather key chain which i'm satisfied because i used it everyday! (:

Group photo with our presents before leaving the place! ♥
That's basically what happened on the day after Christmas! As tired as i might be, and the hassle of traveling from places to places, i'm so glad that i managed to meet all of them! Especially people like Keith whom i literally meet ONCE A YEAR at Christmas (No idea what he does for the rest of the 354 days in the year, LOL) That's all :D