Continued from my previous CNY post, this is now the part 2. Be advise, there's a total of 3 parts to it. Since i'm making the effort to edit and blog about my CNY, you shall just be nice and scroll down and read everything. Nah, you just close the tab if you are not interested. It's not like i'm using a gun to point at you anyway, LOL! I'm typing rubbish, damn. I should stop and get back on track.

Every year my 3rd aunt would invite us to her house for CNY party!

The delicious food that she prepared for us! Buffet style ♥

My first pair of ban luck cards in my 3rd aunt's house. No reason why i won't win, MUAHAHA
A few new additions to the family!

Little Christian playing with the iPad. I swear he's more pro than me in games!

Little autumn engrossed with this toy which i also played during my time, LOL

Little Kai le with his HUGE bright eyes! I'm sure he would grow up to be quite handsome!

Our annual crazy Lou hei! By the time we finish lou-ing, nothing left in the tray. LOLOLOLOL

Went over to downtown east with my cousins in the night after my 3rd aunt house! Just acia!

Played bowling! Glad to be maintaining above 100 for all my games :D

Yearly event! Next day headed to Bukit Batok with BFF Nurul to Yah see's house to bai nian!

Went over to Ryan's house to bai nian during one of the nights, arriving only at 11pm. All the way to Woodlands leh! After about 3 or 4 hours of Mahjong till 3am, i can't believe i lost just $1 -__-

Group photo! It's been a long time since i catch up with everyone including Shawn!

Another photo while waiting for a cab back to the east. Had supper and reached home at 5am.

Next morning, Rinn, Ryan and i supposed to go Bai nian at Hui xin's house at 11am. But because we played till late the night before, everyone overslept (except for hx herself as she was expecting us!)

Finally all arrived at 12 plus, Ryan cabbed all the way down from Woodlands, LOL

Photo with Rinn ♥

Group photo with CNY goodies as props! :D
To be continued