It's now Day 3 of the Hong Kong travelogue! Read the previous day post HERE. Every morning is basically the same, except the guys will sleeping like pigs while the girl (Wendy) tries to wake us up for breakfast and kick start the day, LOL i think we had about 5 hours of sleep everyday only lor!

Routine - Our shuttle bus ticket every morning to Tsim sha tsui (HKD$30)

I think everyday we walk past at least one Agnés B cafe but we just didn't have the time to step into one and tryout their coffee and cakes. I wonder if they will ever open one in Singapore one day.

The hunt for authentic Hong Kong set breakfast begins!
The previous time i came to Hong Kong was in March and i had breakfast at their HK cafe almost every morning! So this time no matter what, i have to have authentic HK set breakfast at least on one of the morning! It's also important to have breakfast because we will spending a long day out!

Found one and made our orders! The 'polo bun' in Hong Kong is a MUST TRY!

While waiting for our food... (I think i had lemon coke for every single meal. Zzz)

Our delicious and filling breakfast!
I had the ham and egg set! I ♥ the fact that in Hong Kong, all eggs ALWAYS comes in pair! It's like double the happiness, LOL The polo bun is heavenly! I think it's quite difficult to find really good ones in SG, any recommendations? I know imperial treasure has good Polo bun with char siew fillings ♥

Taking the MTR to downtown to explore and also to find the "ding ding" tram!

Busy street! Feels like the one in Japan (as seen on TV, haven't been there myself, LOL)

Came across this store which sells digital effects camera! I swear i was so tempted to get one!

Finally saw this Limited edition mini MINOX camera in real life.

I thought it was quite rare to see this sight in Singapore.
While walking around, we saw this makeshift corner where old uncles are helping to polish the working adults shoes for a minimal fee. I literally stood there and watch them use the old school kiwi, armed with a cloth and polish a dull pair of leather shoes to shiny state! Is there such 'service' in SG?

Had McDonald for lunch just to get these 2 Hello Kitty soft toys -__-

FINALLY found a H&M outlet. I've heard so much about the H&Ms in HK, like there are more varieties and it's much cheaper than Singapore but guess what? I was so disappointed because everything was winter wear because everyone is getting ready for winter. Bought nothing at all. FML tyvm

Part of the itinerary that Wendy planned for us would be to take the ding ding tram and do some sightseeing along the planned route. I felt that it would be a good experience because it's so old school (can take a lot of photos!) and it's a public transport that we don't usually see in Hong Kong.

Excited to go onboard the ding ding tram!
One thing we failed to anticipate would be to prepare coins to take the tram. Our octopus card won't work on these trams and we had to dig out coins to pay for everyone's fare! We had also no idea where the tram would be bringing us, so we just see as it goes and stop when we get bored of it.

Photo with Chris on the tram!

Changed the above photo to B&W so that there's more olden 'feel', LOL

Jeffery risking his head (and camera) to take a bird's eye view shot.

Apparently the tram is run by tracks and cables which makes it so unique ♥

Since we had a little bit of time, we finally decide to visit one of the Agnés b cafe and see what we can from there! Used Jeffery's iPhone GPS to locate the nearest outlet! I was comparing their prices between SG and HK and i realised it's much cheaper in HK! But still, i did not get anything though...

Their chocolates are so pretty, makes a good gift set! (but really expensive!!!)

2 key chains that i bought earlier. One of them is a lightning bolt when pressed, will have the thunder light and sound and the other is a mini camera which will give off a flash and camera shutter sound when the shutter button is pressed! I think it's about $8 each but i think it's quite worth it :D

Our next stop: Peak tram!
Apparently this is one of the top tourist attraction in HK but i didn't thought of coming here during my first trip in Feb, so i'm glad Wendy planned this attraction as part of our itinerary this time! This ride gives an overview of the Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and Victoria Harbour as the tram ascends.

Got 4 tickets up which includes admission to Madame Tussauds Wax museum!


Heng Heng managed to get a seat with Chris! YAYYYY

The ride up was quite steep and it was impossible to stand up without falling down!

Even though we reached the top, we still have to take a few more escalators to get to the peak!

We reached the top at about 6pm when the skies are still bright, but we waited and waited for the skies to turn dark because the night view would definitely be more amazing and here are the photos!

Using different modes to take the night view.

Look how beautiful the view is, the wait was worth it! ♥

It was quite difficult to get a group photo at night because of the lack of lighting. Even if we use flash, the background will be too dark. This is the best we can come out with, but still not bad! ♥

The last time i visited the Madame Tussands Wax exhibition (not museum) was when they first came to Singapore and i remembered my family took a photo with Arnold Schwarzenegger! I think i was in my primary school during that time. This time i got visit the museum in Hong Kong and i basically frantically went around camwhoring with all the superstar figures with my EX1 myself, LOLOLOL

Before entering, we got a kind stranger to take a group photo for us! (with bruce lee, LOL)

Alot of people just anyhow take photos with the figures but they don't know that the trick in taking photos with the wax figures is that you must see where their eyes are facing and point your camera infront of it so they are "looking" into your camera, LOL Anyway, that Jay Chou look so fake lor...

From the left: Aaron Kwok, Robert Pattinson and Lee kuan yew!

From the left: ip man (Donnie yen), CPT Jack sparrow and Marilyn Monroe!

Lee Ming and James Bond!

Twins duo from Hong Kong! (Look at wei feng, LOL)

The boys with the Beatles!


I ♥ this photo of us with Marilyn Monroe! Very funny! LOLOLOLOLOL

As we were walking out to the MTR station, we spotted a couple taking wedding photos!

Since it's our last night in Hong Kong, it's time to spend the rest of our Hong kong dollars! Every time i go for holidays, i don't intend to bring back any foreign currencies back to SG, i will just spend them all away. Lazy to change it back to SG dollars and the exchange rate back is not very good also.

Back to Mong Kok to see what we can get with our remaining money! Did i mentioned that i exchanged my SG dollars for more HKD dollars? Over budget, damn. I ♥ Hong Kong so much that i shall try make it a point to visit HK every year! The food (esp Char siew rice) is one of the reasons!

This "Shui liu shan" drink is a MUST drink in Hong Kong! I had only 2 cups this trip :(

iPhone case at a steal! Everything is so pretty that i almost bought 1 even though i have no iPhone!

Jeffery buying from the mobile ice cream van! Very old school looking van ♥

Egg snack and curry fish balls!

This is my favourite snack in Hong Kong! No idea what it's called though, LOL

Bought quite alot of stuffs and i couldn't resist getting a capsule claw machine!

By the time we finished shopping, it was kinda late. So we had dinner at some random restaurant.

Above photos of our dinner taken using Canon S95. My EX1 (with 2 batteries somemore) somehow died during the night so i had to rely on wei feng's camera to take photos for the rest of the night...

Power Rangers spotted near the MTR! The blue one is kinda short, LOL

Took a cab back to the hotel and it's time to pack our lugguage since it's our last night in HK!

Our #forever messy room.

I saw it in SG once but it was kinda expensive so i didn't buy it but this time i saw it at Hong Kong! Wendy bought 1 set the day before and i was contemplating whether to get one too. In the end i bought one and at night, i have to figure out how to bring it back to SG! Decided to hand carry...

Immediately bought batteries from 7 eleven so i can try out the machine! *excited*

Our haul for the last night! Bought crazy lots of things to use up the remaining HK dollars :P

Every night we will line up all our haul and put it on the bed for photo taking, LOL

This night, we lay out all the things that we bought for this Hong Kong trip! Did you spot a few big boxes? Those are the capsule machines, cotton candy machine, jelly fish light tank and more!
Packed our luggage as the next day would be heading back to SG...
Packed our luggage as the next day would be heading back to SG...
To be continued...