Last post for this Hong Kong travelogue! I remember i once jokingly told the people who went on this trip with me that they can expect our HK travelogue to be published on Good Friday, but i was really joking! Didn't expect myself to take so long. (Anyway, Good Friday is on 6 April this year...) I took like 4 months to finish this travelogue. Sometimes i wonder how some people can instantly blog about their holiday on the ACTUAL day itself. Aren't you supposed to enjoy your holiday instead of uploading photos, editing them and blog about your day? That's something i cannot do. LOL
Was supposed to wake up early to at least explore the hotel. It's like we are paying so much for the hotel but we never really go down to explore around. BUT apparently we overslept since we slept really late the day before because we had to take turns to bathe and pack our luggage. Oh wells.
Was supposed to wake up early to at least explore the hotel. It's like we are paying so much for the hotel but we never really go down to explore around. BUT apparently we overslept since we slept really late the day before because we had to take turns to bathe and pack our luggage. Oh wells.

In addition to our luggages, we had to get more bags for our hauls!

Managed to squeeze everything into my luggage and hand carry my capsule machine!

Photo before leaving the hotel!
Took the routine shuttle bus to Jeffery's place to put our luggage and head for breakfast.

We went to explore Jeffery's hostel (Hop inn) and went into a few empty rooms that was left unlocked to checkout the different themes they have! I think the next time i go Hong Kong, i will consider staying at Hop inn since it's cheap and convenient. But the problem is the bathing part, LOL

We told ourselves we should the Char Siew rice one more time before leaving Hong Kong so we went back to the same restaurant that we went on the very first day. Ordered a few dishes for breakfast first because lunch was not ready. I had a polo bun while waiting patiently for my rice to be ready!

"When is the next time i will taste such nice buns..."


Our total bill. Let see, my char siew rice cost... HKD38 = $6! Totally worth it.

Took a photo outside the store. I will definitely visit this restaurant when i come to HK next time!

Here's how the interior of the Agnes B cafe looks like!

Can't help taking out my Agnes B Wallet and take a photo of it in the cafe, LOL

Everyone bought something back to SG. Honestly the things inside are not cheap...
Around noon, we went back to Jeffery's hostel, grabbed our luggage and went over to Kowloon station! Did you know that you can check in your flight and deposit your luggage at Kowloon station instead of the airport? Well, you can! After that we took the airport express train to the airport!

Here's an idea of the things we are bringing back to SG :D

Camwhore with a DSLR is never easy.

Took a photo of Danbo while on the train! Cute right? Purposely make it B&W ♥

Wei feng brought his Spinner 360' lomography camera! Until now also haven't develop lor!

While waiting to board the plane. Have to wait for a bus to fetch us to the plane...

The 4 people who made this trip such an enjoyable one ♥

#Random photo of Danbo.

Queuing up to take the plane, leaving Hong Kong...

Well, that's all i have for this 4 days Hong Kong travelogue. I love holidays (who doesn't!) The first time i took a plane when i was 21 and now my aim is to go to as many countries as possible now that i have the ability to pay for my own expenses. I want to eat, travel and take photos for memories and update this little space of mine! So where's the next stop? ♥