It's been a long time since i went to IKEA for their food so i decided to make a trip there and the first person that came up to my mind to accompany me was Claire! Throughout the past few years, i will meet Claire once in awhile to have IKEA's delicious chicken wings, meatballs, those kids meals and other items! Everytime we would just keep taking and taking the food without thinking if we could finish the food! I still remember 3 years ago, she secretly took a video of me savaging a piece of chicken wing with my fork and knife! I edited the 30 seconds video and uploaded it to my youtube:

Officially starting this post proper, IKEA has never change one bit at all. Ok, maybe they did some adjustment to their menu but they still have their famous chicken wings and meat balls still remains throughout the years! And people like us are willing to come to IKEA just for the food, so glad there's one at Tampines! It used to be only one store at Alexandra!

Time check: Around 2 plus. Still as many people even though it's after lunch hour.

Everyone queuing up with their little trolley with trays on it (:

As usual, we just have to tell the auntie what we want and she would prepare it on the spot! Out of so many times i came to IKEA, this is the first time the auntie tell me i'm not allowed to take photos. Erm, okay?

Ordered like a boss. Take note that this is not all that we took.

Individual shot with the trolley filled with food! ♥

Now here's 4 "mains" that we ordered. Salmon, chicken and meat balls ♥

I think we ordered a chocolate cake and soup too. Not forgetting 2 complimentary orange juice!

LOOK AT THE AMOUNT OF FOOD THE 2 OF US HAD TO FINISH!!! (we didn't manage to finish btw)

After we had our lunch, made an impromptu decision and headed over to Tampines Mall to watch "Dark Shadows" which i thought was not bad! My parents said the show was boring -_- That's all i have for this post, BYE BYE! ♥