It's been almost a month since last Christmas and as mentioned in the previous post, here's another Christmas post, but this time with the *Cousins! For the past 2 years, we have been having staycations for our annual X'mas celebration. 2010 was at Studio M, 2011 at Hotel Re! and in 2012 - Siloso Beach Resort at Sentosa! What's for this year, 2013?

If you are wondering why the title for this post is "Don't walk, Run!" It's because we had a "Mini" Running man game at Sentosa once we checked into the hotel! If you notice, i'm wearing the Running man tee in the photo above and there's actually a Velcro name tag of my name behind! Ordered and customized it from Qoo10! 4 of us wore it on that day!

Before the commencement of the game, we were briefed on the rules. Basically we are given 3 clues on places of attractions within Sentosa and we have to get to the place, take a photo and share it in the whatsapp group!

Here are my 3 clues! I could easily guess 2 out of 3 of it, Tiger Sky tower and Candylicious at RWS but the one in the middle... can you guess? and just when you think the game is that easy, guess what! It's a COUPLE RACE. ZOMG.

I was paired with Fenny and each couple had to tag these paper bands on their hands throughout the whole game! If we accidentally tore it or if any of the other team manage to break your band, your team is disqualified! So serious, LOL

Everyone tagged and ready to start! By the way, the 3rd clue is actually "Port of Lost Wonder" located at Palawan Beach! Fenny and i thought the place was rather far from Silosa beach (where we first started) and the queue for the bus to Palawan Beach was so long and slow that we decided to take a cab! EXTREME MUCH. Waited and waited, but still there was no cab. So we decided to walk there, and we reached within 5 mins. Heng, we never take cab -__-
Anyway, as we were heading to our 3rd destination, we saw another team so... Fenny and i ran in opposite directions and our paper band broke apart. FOL seriously. We were so close to winning lor! We went ahead to Candylicious to complete the 3rd photo (even though our bands were already tore) and the other teams was already hiding, waiting to attack us. TROLOLOLOL What they didn't know is, our bands were already accidentally tore beforehand! FTL

Nevertheless, we still had fun! The 4 of us who bought the tees with our Korean names! Caught a lot of attention!

Last stop for the game was actually Coastes, Siloso beach where we will be having our dinner!

Had a feast (which includes turkey since it's christmas!) and the bill totaled to about $300!

Nothing beats a good meal after running around the island for a few hours! ♥

Back to the hotel to wash up and also went to play at the pool as the night is still young!

The theme for the night was Pajamas Party and some of them went to order this animals pajamas costume from Qoo10!

Went ahead with gift exchange for the nightwhile everyone is still sober! LOL

Gift exchange are always so fun! If you realised... i was wearing a stitch pajamas. Got it from Hong Kong :|

The Cat, the Rilakuma, the Cow and the fellow Stitch. I know, we are damn kua zhang, LOL

Cheese cake, Macaroons and cupcakes! Thanks to Angie, Joyce, Weijie and Ruo xuan! =D

LOOK AT THE ANIMALS. OH MY TIANS. and that's me in my stitch pajamas behind! LOL

Champagne for everyone! 3 years of X'mas celebration and counting!


The self explanatory killer meme drinking game that made me vomit blood literally -__-

A group photo to end this post and conclude Christmas 2012! ♥

Before the commencement of the game, we were briefed on the rules. Basically we are given 3 clues on places of attractions within Sentosa and we have to get to the place, take a photo and share it in the whatsapp group!

Here are my 3 clues! I could easily guess 2 out of 3 of it, Tiger Sky tower and Candylicious at RWS but the one in the middle... can you guess? and just when you think the game is that easy, guess what! It's a COUPLE RACE. ZOMG.

I was paired with Fenny and each couple had to tag these paper bands on their hands throughout the whole game! If we accidentally tore it or if any of the other team manage to break your band, your team is disqualified! So serious, LOL

Everyone tagged and ready to start! By the way, the 3rd clue is actually "Port of Lost Wonder" located at Palawan Beach! Fenny and i thought the place was rather far from Silosa beach (where we first started) and the queue for the bus to Palawan Beach was so long and slow that we decided to take a cab! EXTREME MUCH. Waited and waited, but still there was no cab. So we decided to walk there, and we reached within 5 mins. Heng, we never take cab -__-
Anyway, as we were heading to our 3rd destination, we saw another team so... Fenny and i ran in opposite directions and our paper band broke apart. FOL seriously. We were so close to winning lor! We went ahead to Candylicious to complete the 3rd photo (even though our bands were already tore) and the other teams was already hiding, waiting to attack us. TROLOLOLOL What they didn't know is, our bands were already accidentally tore beforehand! FTL

Nevertheless, we still had fun! The 4 of us who bought the tees with our Korean names! Caught a lot of attention!

Last stop for the game was actually Coastes, Siloso beach where we will be having our dinner!

Had a feast (which includes turkey since it's christmas!) and the bill totaled to about $300!

Nothing beats a good meal after running around the island for a few hours! ♥

Back to the hotel to wash up and also went to play at the pool as the night is still young!

The theme for the night was Pajamas Party and some of them went to order this animals pajamas costume from Qoo10!

Went ahead with gift exchange for the night

Gift exchange are always so fun! If you realised... i was wearing a stitch pajamas. Got it from Hong Kong :|

The Cat, the Rilakuma, the Cow and the fellow Stitch. I know, we are damn kua zhang, LOL

Cheese cake, Macaroons and cupcakes! Thanks to Angie, Joyce, Weijie and Ruo xuan! =D

LOOK AT THE ANIMALS. OH MY TIANS. and that's me in my stitch pajamas behind! LOL

Champagne for everyone! 3 years of X'mas celebration and counting!


The self explanatory killer meme drinking game that made me vomit blood literally -__-

A group photo to end this post and conclude Christmas 2012! ♥