Last Saturday, i was invited to Somerset 313 for a blogger's food hunt by OpenRice Singapore. Honestly I had no idea what the food hunt is all about but it sounds cool to be running around a shopping mall in town trying out different kinds of food like a race with missions to complete within a time frame (lol!) and i know that OpenRice recently updated their iOS mobile app to a whole new level to give foodies a better experience when using the app!

The OpenRice app is a free app for mobile users to browse over 24,000 restuarant listing and over 60,000 member reviews. You too can read and share your very own reviews by writing and uploading photos of your food on-the-go. 

Met up with the other bloggers and we were briefed on how the food hunt is gonna be like. Basically we are paired up and each team is given $150 Somerset 313 vouchers and we have to go 5 designated F&B outlets (5 teams in total, 25 F&B outlets in total) and order food items as per the "mission slip", finish up all the food we ordered, pay the bill using the vouchers and write a review (with photos) of the place/food using the OpenRice iOS app! Sounds quite fun right!

I was paired up with Shirley for the food hunt and our first stop was Ramen Play and we had to order any ramen from the menu. Thinking strategically, we decided to order the all veggie ramen so there is less meat and we could finish the noodles easily. Time limit for this food hunt is 2 hours to complete all 5 F&B outlets but we had to filter in the queuing time, waiting time for the food and queuing up to pay the bill. Everything takes time, especially during the lunch hour.

When the food arrived, the first time we did was to log on to the OpenRice app, take a photo of the ramen and started typing our review on our iPhone/ iPad. But also at the same time, finish up the ramen! Talk about multi tasking!

The OpenRice iOS app provides you all the details that you need of a restaurant such as the address, contact no. opening hours etc and not forgetting the important reviews by the OpenRice members which can help you determine what to order. Note that your review will not appear straightaway but only after it's been approved by the admins.

2nd Stop: Din Tai Fung where we had to order steam dumplings and a dessert.

Ordered the famous xiao long baos (6 pieces) and i suggested ordering Mango pudding for dessert as it would be easier for us to eat due to its smooth texture. Thinking smart ok! HAHHAHAHA Waited quite awhile for the food...

3rd stop: Sushi express. We had to take 5 plates of sushi and finish them all!

Quickly chose 5 plates from the conveyor belt (not anyhow but based on what we like hor, lol.)

While we were trying to finish our sushi, the official photographer for the food hunt found us and wanted to take a team photo of us but we were still stuffing ourselves with the food, thus the above photo! Super funny! HAHAHHAHAHA

4th Stop: E.A.T. Order a set meal and a side dish.
The set meal consist of a bowl of noodles, coffee or tea and the side dishes they had were fish ball soup (with like 6 or 8 fish balls -_-) or fish dumpling soup. Obviously we chose the fish dumpling which will be must easier to eat, LOL

Imagine the amount of food we had to eat in that hour, and this is only the 4th stop. One more to go!

Last stop: Malones Irish restaurant and bar! It was our last stop and we had to order one main course and one dessert. Our marshal told us this is the most expensive stop for us compared to the other 4 places. With about $80 worth of vouchers left, it was more than enough. Settled with Beer battered prawns with chips (which was awesome in my opinion) and a slice of Apple pie. I then realised how thirsty i was because we did not order any drinks from the previous 4 stops, so we finally ordered a drink. Not forgetting 1 for our marshal who has been running around with us, LOL

The amount of food that we had to finish in less than 2 hours. (i realised i missed out the xiao long bao and the mango pudding in the collage above, lol) After finishing up all the food in Malones, we practically ran to our ending point which was Kenny Rogers and guess what? WE WERE THE FIRST TEAM TO COMPLETE THE FOOD HUNT! We were well ahead of the other teams which came back like 20 mins later? I was literally smiling to myself at the fact that we won. LOLOLOL

The prizes was not announced at the briefing but turns out the winning team get $300 Somerset 313 vouchers! The other teams gets $100 vouchers as well. Not only that, we get to keep the remaining vouchers that we did not spend during the food hunt! I remember a few of us jokingly commented - "Aiya, should not have ordered all the expensive stuff just now!" HAHAHHAHA Anyway, after having Malones, my team was left with only $30 vouchers :D

The OpenRice iOS mobile app offers really good featured really good functions such as "Nearby" where they will instantly search for nearby restaurants that is around you in an event where you have no idea where to eat. "Hot news" which allows you to get the latest scoop of new restaurants opening, news and editorial content such as "Supper places in Singapore" etc. Last but not least, "Hot offer" where you can find discounts and card promotions from different restaurants! All these awesome features can be accessed from the main page of the OpenRice iOS app :D