The very last day in Korea. Scheduled for the afternoon flight back to SG so i had the morning to myself but instead of staying in the hotel for some last minute packing and getting ready to check out, Elizabeth and me decided to head out for breakfast and guess where we went? Logically you would think that we would just go to some nearby places but...

we went on the subway early in the morning...

and arrived in Myeongdong! The place is so different between day and night as you can compare the above photos with the photos i took at night on the previous post. Most of the shops were not opened but we were looking for a particular breakfast cafe that Elizabeth found online and when we arrived at the door step... they only open at a later timing. FOL

Eventually had to make do with McDonald breakfast because most of the cafes were not open yet and i had to get back to the hotel in time for check out. The lamest thing is, we went all the way to Myeongdong and had MacDonald when there is an outlet right beside our hotel!!! But still, i managed to do some very last minute shopping at Myeongdong, literally just grab and go (without even thinking if there's still space in my already overflowing luggage) Opps :|

This guy is EVERYWHERE in Korea, i see him on posters, billboards, shop fronts endorsing some product. Apparently he is Kim Soo-hyun (κΉμν) the guy who acts in the "Moon embracing the Sun" Korean drama. No wonder so popular! :D

Was waiting for the airport bus when i saw these 5 girls in these cute uniform taking photos along the road, and was told that they are a quite popular girl group in Korea called "Crayon Pop" I have no idea if they are the real deal because... i compared their online photos with the one i have above, like different ley. Can anyone help me verify? LOL

Took the airport bus (fell asleep because i was really tired) and i soon arrived at the airport earlier than expected. Went to deposit my luggage and was half praying that it won't exceed the 20kg limit. Heave a sigh of relief when i saw the "17.9kg" on the weigh. I still had 2.1kg to spare!!! But there's seriously no more space in my luggage anymore things!

Got my boarding pass and went to roam around at the airport...

Passed by this Korea traditional cultural experience center which allows tourists to have some hand ons at colour painting or ink painting. Since i had about an hour before boarding and had nothing much to do, i decided to try it!

Was given a template and i had to just paint it according to the way i like, the right photo is my end product! :D

Got a window seat again but this time without the whole row to myself. 7 hours flight back to Singapore.

Camwhore on the plane before taking off. The people around me giving me strange stares must be like, "Why is this guy is traveling alone and taking countless photos of himself..." Whatever. I'm used to it already. HAHAHHAHA

In flight lunch. Roasted chicken with potato wedges. Dessert was this bean curd thingy which i don't really like :(

But shortly, the air stewardess went around giving us little cups of Cheesecake ice cream! Happy boy :D

6 days in Korea has been a great experience. Time to get back to reality.

Collected the receipts of everything i bought with an intend to calculate the cost of the things i bought (i did not really look at the prices, it was just grab and go because i was... lazy to convert and all i know it's cheaper than SG, lol) but when i returned to SG and took all the receipts out, i have no idea which is which because everything is in Korean. FML

A photo collage of all the photos that i instagram-ed along the way throughout the 6 days in Korea.
This post marks the very last post of my 6D5N Korea 2013 travelogue. Took me about a month to filter about 1000+ photos that i took to about 250 photos (avg 40 photos/post), editing every single one on Photoshop, after which blogging them post after post while flipping through the itinerary trying to remember what happened and doing online research on places that i visited to provide more info of them so i can include in the travelogue . It's finally completed.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this travelogue as much as i enjoyed writing on my trip.
Thank you Korea Tourism Organization for sponsoring this trip and showing me another side of Korea.

This post marks the very last post of my 6D5N Korea 2013 travelogue. Took me about a month to filter about 1000+ photos that i took to about 250 photos (avg 40 photos/post), editing every single one on Photoshop, after which blogging them post after post while flipping through the itinerary trying to remember what happened and doing online research on places that i visited to provide more info of them so i can include in the travelogue . It's finally completed.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this travelogue as much as i enjoyed writing on my trip.
Thank you Korea Tourism Organization for sponsoring this trip and showing me another side of Korea.