Few days ago i received an email invitation by KTO to Leesang's 1st Asia Showcase in Singapore. When i first read the mail, i was like, "Leessang? The duo that consist of Gary from Running Man?!" Honestly speaking, i have never heard any of their songs before. But since i get to see Kang Gary in person, i agreed and replied to the email almost immediately, LOL! Few days before the showcase, i downloaded all their popular songs on my phone and realised, Running man has been playing their songs in their episodes all these while but i did not notice the songs were by Leessang! O_O

The thing about having a media pass is that you don't have to queue and you get special privileges to take photos and film the performance! (although the stand this time is that we get to use our camera for only the first 4 songs, after which we have to keep it) The media even had a special designated place for us to stand to get a really good and unobstructed view of the whole stage! The dumbest thing i did was to bring my camera, without the SD card, FML
Jing long brought his camera without charging it, LOL. Just nice, my camera, his SD card. Heng ah...
I realised one thing about KPOP stars is that, they are very punctual. Unlike those ang mo ones who can make you wait like one hour or even longer before they finally appear. The Leessang duo sang about 10 songs in total including their famous and one of my favourite - "The girl who can't breakup, the guy who can't leave" Super nice!!! 很好听!!!

HELLO KANG GARY! *waves frantically* LOL When he first appear on stage, it felt quite unreal to me. It's like i've been watching him on Running man for the longest time on screen and now he is right in front of me performing. LOL

I totally enjoyed the showcase and i love how they engaged the audience at every song. There was even a lucky fan girl that got kissed on the lips by Gary during the peroro stick game! I wished i caught one of the Leessang snap back caps that they threw to the crowd, HAHHAHAHA I could get it at just 35 bucks at the official counter that day though.
Once again, thank you KTO for the complimentary tickets and media pass! (Korea Tourism Organization, if they sound familiar to you, it's because they are the ones who sponsored my trip to Korea few months ago!) YAYYYYY
Ending this post with a non edited selfie! ♥