As the title suggest, this blog post is about my staycation last Christmas at Capri by Fraser! If you have been following my blog, you would know that every year for Christmas, the *Cousins group would have an annual staycation and 2013 is the 4th year running already! The very first staycation was in 2010 and it was held at Studio M, followed by 2011 - Hotel Re, 2012 - Siloso beach hotel and this year, Capri by Fraser! The initial choice of hotel for this year was either MBS or W hotel but i managed to "psycho" everyone to switch to Capri after finding out about this hotel residence, MUAHAHA

Capri by Fraser is a hotel residences located at 3 Changi Business Park Central. Nearest MRT is Expo and it's just right beside the new Changi City Point. This hotel is actually a airport hotel and it's designed to make you feel at home with everything that you need. Managed to get a studio premiere room at a promotion rate! Actually... i shouldn't promote the hotel too much because it has quite a strict no room party rule (then again, almost every hotel discourage large group of people in the room) and every single year we always get into some trouble with the hotel management, LOL

The moment i stepped into the room i was like, "wahh wahh wahhhhh". I love everything about the room, the layout, the size, the design, the kitchenette. Ohmygawddd. I would definitely love to come back here again one day! LOL

The main contributing factor why i chose this hotel (other the size of the room and the affordable rate) would be the kitchenette! How many hotels in Singapore has a kitchen in the room that allows you to cook in it! Other than Capri, i can only think of one more. So before we checked in that day, Jing long and mel went to grab the ingredients as we have decided to cook our own X'mas dinner as well as breakfast the next day! Stuffed everything into the small fridge.
After a whole evening of cooking, basic kitchen amenities such as pot, pan, plates, cutlery were all equipped in the kitchen. That's is an absolute plus point! Started cooking at about 4 or 5pm and it took quite awhile because we have to cook enough for about 14 people with only a small pot and pan! Bought frozen fried items like winglets, seaweed chicken, samosa, fries, cheese sausages etc and the mains such as roast chicken, ham, ribs was bought ready cooked!

After a whole evening of cooking, basic kitchen amenities such as pot, pan, plates, cutlery were all equipped in the kitchen. That's is an absolute plus point! Started cooking at about 4 or 5pm and it took quite awhile because we have to cook enough for about 14 people with only a small pot and pan! Bought frozen fried items like winglets, seaweed chicken, samosa, fries, cheese sausages etc and the mains such as roast chicken, ham, ribs was bought ready cooked!

There was even a choice of tomato and cream sauce for our spaghetti! So thoughtful, HAHHAHAHA

Most of us were famished because we didn't have lunch so once dinner was ready, everyone can't wait to dig in!

It was supposed to be an atas Christmas dinner but it became like a picnic instead, TROLLLOLOL
After dinner, we waited for more of the *cousins to arrive and it was time for our annual gift exchange! This time the gift exchange was done secret-Santa style meaning we write what we want into our wishlist for our secret Santa to decide whether to get it for you or not! But before that, because the room was huge, we decided to hide our presents one by one in the room (while the rest stay in the huge toilet and wait) and after everyone is done hiding the presents, we had to search every corner of the room for our presents which has our name on it! Sound quite exciting right!

After dinner, we waited for more of the *cousins to arrive and it was time for our annual gift exchange! This time the gift exchange was done secret-Santa style meaning we write what we want into our wishlist for our secret Santa to decide whether to get it for you or not! But before that, because the room was huge, we decided to hide our presents one by one in the room (while the rest stay in the huge toilet and wait) and after everyone is done hiding the presents, we had to search every corner of the room for our presents which has our name on it! Sound quite exciting right!

IMAGINE THE CHAOS IN THE ROOM THAT NIGHT. Literally flipped everything upside down. LOL

A few of them still did not manage to find their present in the end and those who hide their presents have to give clues on where it is. After like 20 mins, finally everyone got their present, hoping that they got something from their wishlist!

Happy us with our presents! Another year of Christmas gift exchange - checked! :D

Joyce being super nice (oi joyce! I praise you on my blog leh! Honored a not! HAHAHAHA) ordered this huge customized chocolate cake for everyone. She personally designed the cake and guess what? SHE MADE A SPELLING MISTAKE FOR THE WORD - COUSINS!!! She spelt it as "Counsins" with an extra N, wo de tian ah. LOLOLOL You won't notice it in the above photo because the kind me decided to Photoshop it properly *flicks hair* No need to thank me joyce, HAHAHAHA
Side note: when i first checked into the room, i found this weird looking remote control and decided to press the button on it and a freakin' divider/ partition (?) came down from the ceiling and divided the room into half. I was so damn amazed by it omggg. Actually i wonder if you all know what i'm referring to, but never mind i know can liao. LOL

Side note: when i first checked into the room, i found this weird looking remote control and decided to press the button on it and a freakin' divider/ partition (?) came down from the ceiling and divided the room into half. I was so damn amazed by it omggg. Actually i wonder if you all know what i'm referring to, but never mind i know can liao. LOL

We played blind mice that night in the room, like at 12 midnight. (you can agar agar imagine the size of the room now?) and i kept the partition remote control with me all along and activated it on the first blind folded victim! MUAHAHHA
Slept at about 3am, and woke up at 7.30am for a morning swim!
Slept at about 3am, and woke up at 7.30am for a morning swim!

Since there's a pool in the hotel, might as well use it! Capri also has a 24 hours gym (i spotted people inside gyming at 2am+ the night before! Like a siao on.) and in the pool, they have this hydro treadmill machine, basically a treadmill in the water so you can run in the water. Something like that lah. I also don't know how to explain how it works. LOL

Super windy that day and the water was super cold that morning. Brrr.

Went back to the room about an hour later and started preparing breakfast! We wanted to Act yi ge American breakfast so we bought the standard ingredients like sausages, waffle, baked beans, croissant, hash brown and Joyce made scrambled eggs! Added on roasted chicken and ham from the previous night dinner as well. So appetizing! :D

Look at the spread, 13 identical portions in total. Everyone had a really good breakfast that morning!

Me and jing long pretending to be super interested in our American breakfast spread! Really nice okay!

Wanted to take an individual shot with myself and my breakfast but kena photobombed by Weijie and Jiaqi! >:(
Managed to get late checkout at 2pm as part of the hotel deal that i booked and we started taking photos like we always do (normal checkout time is 12noon btw) whole some started nua-ing around the room as everyone was so full.

三个好朋友. Jiaqi, Jing long and me! ♥

Last 4 random photos with the cousins* before i end this post! ♥ ♥ ♥
Another year of celebrating X'mas together, 4th year running. Glad everyone could come together and celebrate this season of giving. From strangers online to real life friends. So which hotel shall we head to for next year?
Managed to get late checkout at 2pm as part of the hotel deal that i booked and we started taking photos like we always do (normal checkout time is 12noon btw) whole some started nua-ing around the room as everyone was so full.

三个好朋友. Jiaqi, Jing long and me! ♥

Last 4 random photos with the cousins* before i end this post! ♥ ♥ ♥
Another year of celebrating X'mas together, 4th year running. Glad everyone could come together and celebrate this season of giving. From strangers online to real life friends. So which hotel shall we head to for next year?