Monday, February 3, 2014

กระบี่ Krabi travelogue: Day 3

Let's just skip the breakfast part because we had the same microwavable products from 7-eleven for the 2nd day in a row (and probably again for the last day) because it's really that nice! Waited for the tour van to fetch us early in the morning to our first destination in the package, somewhere about an hour away from our hotel for the much anticipated white water rafting! It's gonna be the first time for the 4 of us and it seem rather fun and interesting! WOOHOOO
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Finally arrived at our destination and there were already people preparing for their adventure!
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Initially we opt for the 3km route but we were advised to top up for an additional 2km, making it 5km in total and experience another grade of white water rafting. Since we were already there, we decided to go for the 5km route! 
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The first 3km wasn't that challenging with only a couple of drops but after the 3km, we noticed the routing was more challenging and every now and then we were warned of the next drop and to hold on tight! It was really extreme and fun, and me and mel even got the chance to take over the role of "paddler" at the front and at the back. Really tiring.
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The only photo of our white water rafting adventure which cost about SGD$20? It's impossible for us to take a group photo like this so i just had to buy it even though it might not seem like it's worth the price. It's worth it! LOL
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Next up, ATV which means All Terrain Vehicle! Once again, i bought the above photo at $20 because it's only the evidence that i tried it before! All these attractions very smart, they know that if we don't buy the photos, we probably won't be able to get them anywhere else so they mark up the price... and people like me will buy it for keepsake. Zzz
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Last stop: Elephant trekking but before that, our package includes 15 mins of fish spa!
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Not the first time trying but i can never get used to it. It's like tiny electric jolts to your legs when the fish nibbles on your feet. Especially when they try to reach in between your toes or under your feet. The feeling is oh my tiansss.
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2 person to a tank of fishes but in order to take this group shot, we moved into 1 tank. Die fish dieeee.
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Elephant trekking is kinda cruel so... we decided to lessen our guilt by buying these bananas for the elephant.
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Had a good chat with the guy in front who shared about his life in Krabi and where he and his buddies come from etc and the elephant ride was rather relaxing. Once again, if we wanted an "official" photo of us for keepsake, we had to pay another $20 but this guy made a deal with us... for a small tip, he would get his friend to help take photos for us.

Which i thought was rather reasonable. Instead of just having one photo or should i say two since 1 elephant in one photo only -_- we got the other guy on Mel's elephant to help us take photo, and the guy from our elephant to take for them. After which, they got another guy on another elephant to take group shots for us. Like a more worth it right!
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One of the group photos which we paid a small tip to the ____ (what do you call those guys anyway?)
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The tour ended with an animal show and after which, we returned back to Krabi in the evening...
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Requested for the driver to drop us at Ao nang beach so we can catch the last sunrise in Krabi. Really beautiful
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Silhouette against the sunset. The thought of returning back to SG and back to work the next day...
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After the sunset, we went to look for a place to have our last dinner in Krabi! After the bad experience the night before at the Indian restaurant, we were determined to find a good place for a dinner and finally we settled for this Chinese seafood place that was pretty crowded (Crowded = popular, lol) and ordered several dishes to share among us!
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Ordered 7 dishes in total (even though there is only 6 above but the collage would be weird if there is 7) The food was really really good and it's quite affordable too! Not really cheaper compared to SG, but for the quality, it's totally worth it. At least we had something good on the last night in Krabi, plus we get to spend away our remaining bahts :D

This marks the end of the Day 3 post. The next Day 4 would be a rather short one since our flight back to SG is in the noon but the post would also be a concluding post for this 4 days 3 nights Krabi getaway trip! Stay tuned for it!

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4