Nothing much for the last day in Krabi since we are taking the afternoon flight back to SG. Just some photos to conclude this 4D3N Krabi post! Secretly wished that this trip was longer because there are still other attractions in Krabi that we did not get to visit! Places such as the Tiger Cave Temple, the Emerald pool, Green lake, and maybe even the 4 island tour where on one of the small island - Koh Tup, you get to walk over to another island via a sandy trail during low tide.

Breakfast for every morning from 7-eleven! Each packet cost SGD$1 and they are so freakin' delicious after microwaved! The melted cheese with the ham. WHY DON'T THEY HAVE IT IN SG?! I even thought of da pao some back to SG, LOL

Spent the morning packing our luggage and got a cab to fetch us to the airport. Had a really good stay at Miti Resort!

Once again we had to take a bus to board our plane. Last group photo before we leave Krabi! ♥

#selfies #boy #instagram #filter #lol #cantthinkofacaption #hashtaglikenobodybusiness #cutelol #enoughisenough

It's not always you get to take a photo with an aircraft so since we had to queue to board, might as well :D

Back in Singapore in just 3 hours. Spent the rest of the day unpacking and back to work the next day...

Collage of all the instagram photos that i posted throughout the trip. #habit
I know this is a rather short post but every travelogue has to have a conclusion. Another place added to my list of travel places on my sidebar, one place down, unlimited more to go. Ever since i took my first flight out of the country when i was 21, traveling has always been on my mind.Throughout the past 4 years, i have visited most of the Asia countries that i always wanted to visit - Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand and Korea. Any other places are all bonuses (Brunei and a little bit of China, lol), i'm now left with Japan. Perhaps it's time to widen my horizons and head to somewhere further?